I live in a highly populated area (not a million miles away from the previous poster ) but we are fortunate to have a small woodland area at the back of our house. We see the usual wood pidgeons etc but also have small birds such as robins and blue and great tits and 2 types of woodpecker. We also have parakeets which look amazing but the novelty wears off fast as they make a hell of a racket first thing in the morning (before 6am).
I have gone off squirrels since moving here, they dig up all the bulbs I have lovingly planted! I also have them running along the fences and watching me while I wash up but as they have tried to get in the bloomin window on a few occasions, I now keep it pulled nearly shut.
We have got foxes too, we see the cubs in the woodland when they are young..our South London foxes don't worry too much about coming out in the daytime!
We have recently had an owl join the wildlife here, I heard him a few months ago for the first time and it really is quite an eerie noise!
Wish I could see him but it's just too dark.