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Thread: help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    , , USA.


    I just tried to post, and I dont think it went through... so Im going to try again...

    I am really worried sick here... any advice would be great

    I am taking medication for strep throat right now... I had it about 3 weeks ago as well. I finished the medication, and a week later, it came back. That scared me.

    During this time I also stepped on a carpet staple. Of course I worried myself sick, and was convinced I had tetanus. I went to get the shot, it hurt, but wasnt terrible. I got it friday afternoon, and my arm was sore all weekend. Now it is sunday and I feel dizzy and weak, and I have a low grade fever. (which I also had when I first got strep)

    I just have so many questions, and no answers. Am I sick again b/c the strep is returning? if so, why isnt the antibiotic working?? Is the fever because of the shot?? and if so is it a dangerous side affect? or do I have something entirely different that the dr. missed??? I am just worrying my self even sicker here. Anyone have any advice?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    hello Heidi,

    There are some shots that can give us a fever but if you had the shot on Friday, I would have thought that you would have got the fever immediately. Could it be that you are just coming down with something? I have stepped on many carpet staples and never got tetanus so am sure it will be no different for you..


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Henri Its worth visiting your GP to make sure. but I am sure Its just you worrying to much. I suffer quite bad health anxiety and its really surprising the symptoms we get when we get a bang or feel strange for no apparent reason. I wouldn’t worry to much Henri I thing its you overreacting and making yourself feel ill like a lot including myself do with health anxiety's. Take care. Vernon

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    , , USA.
    Hi Heidi

    Don't worry too much. I am sure that what youa re feeling is all part of the anxiety that we all go through. When I am sick, I usually make myself worse because I start to think that other things are wrong with me. I suggest you contact your MD and ask him/her these questions, it will ease your mind. Having anxiety/depression, I have learned that the more I stress about things, the less my immune system works. When I feel the mose stressed is when I get easily sick and start to think that other things are wrong with me. For instance if I have a cold then my head will hurt and I will think "is it just a headache or it is a brain tumor". Try to relax and know that you will get better. Distract yourself by reading, or better yet, listen to a relaxation tape.
    Take care and I know you will get better.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Heidi

    Maybe the best thing would be to go back to your doctors and check that you are over the worst and then focus on getting yourself back on track.

    Let us know how you are doing?

    Love Sal xx

    Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

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