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Thread: What is CBT

  1. #1

    What is CBT


    My doc said i would benefit from CBT, i know its therapy and im glad i am being listened to finally.
    I got a letter from the hospital saying i had been referred and i would hear from occupational therapy in time. When i seen my doc again and mentioned i had received a letter and she mentioned that it was a group thing.
    I thought it would be like one on one and im not keen on group therapy. I didnt think to ask anymore about it.
    Can someone tell me more about it?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: What is CBT

    Have a read of the website page:

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: What is CBT

    ive had cbt, you can choose whether u want group or one2one. i done a bit of both! it reallllly helped me, aswell as medication, im now 90% recovered, im almost there! but dont worry, u WONT be forced into group therapy !! they cant do that !! Alot of ppl with social anxiety cant do group work so they wouldnt force u to,m it would only make ya worse if you see wot i mean. lol. i was PETRIFIED in group, but after 10/15 minutes i found it AMAZING to sit and compare symptoms and talk with others who have all the same things going on!! (basically like this forum ut face2face!) lol!! its amazing, really helped me!! but if u rly feel u cant do it, then u CAN have one2one therapy, so dont worry about that ok. But i do think if u do a bit of both then ud definitely benefit from it. Are u on good meds too? Im on 20mg Citalopram which has been a complete lifesaver for me. Along with many other people. A few people at my group therapy are on it too and its really helped them! Good luck x x

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: What is CBT

    I had one 2 one CBT and I gave up after about a month. My therapist wanted me to from my first session go out everyday for at least an hour. I kept saying if I could do that then I wouldn't need CBT but she just didn't get why I couldn't go out everyday for at least an hour. I kept telling her because my anxiety and agorophobia stops me doing this but she didn't understand so I stopped seeing her.

    I know for some people it does work wonders though, I guess i just got the wrong therapist

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Re: What is CBT

    I'M on waiting list for one on one cbt therapy, can't wait too start, anything which will guide us must be good.

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