Hi guys,

Not been here for awhile has I have been coping quite well lately [hope everyone is ok] but now it seems that I'm sliding back down the HA road again...

For the past couple of weeks or so I've been experiencing sharp, aching pain in my left side, it's hard to describe where it is but it's in my side/hip area & into my lower back & stomach & sometimes even pain in the 'middle' area under the ribs, but it mainly seems to be coming from my side. It can get quite painful, especially at night when I try to lie on my left side.
It does seem to be going into my thigh & leg too although it doesn't feel like muscular pain.

The only thing I can describe it as is the sort of pain I had when I had a UTI.
I went to the doctors & took a urine sample with me & she tested it but she said it seemed fine but gave me some antibiotics anyway, which I've been taking but they've done nothing, only make me feel sick :(

I don't think it is a UTI, because my urine seemed fine to the doctor. I'm worried it's a Ovarian Cyst [I have PCOS] or there's something wrong with my kidneys or bowel or something...I've suffered with IBS for a long time you see but this pain doesn't feel like the kind I get with IBS.

Can anyone offer me any advice or anything? I'm so, so worried...anyone had anything similiar & what was the outcome, I'd be so grateful at the minute, like you wouldn't believe...

Thanks guys... x