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Thread: fear of exercising

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    fear of exercising

    Does anyone have a fear of exercising? I seem to have this fear at the moment as I am scared that my heart will stop as I havent really done that much exercising for a while!

    I started doing some exercise in my house the other day and had to stop because I got so worried about my heart beating faster.

    I know this must sound really stupid and I know exercise is supposed to actually keep you fir and healthy and therefore prevent death but, i just cant seem to get these thoughts out of my head?

    Does anyone else feel like this or is it just me? [:0]


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    I used to think exactly like that!!

    I dont really know how I got out of it.. I think it was by doing some low impact stuff like swimming etc where you only get a moderate rise in heart rate. You can then push on and build up from there.

    Do you reckon you could just push through it at home if you told youself that its nothing to worry about your not going to have a heart attack?? I did a similar thing when I was convinced I would feint... Scared the hell out of me sitting though it but the first time is the worst!!!

    Keep at it matey


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi sadie,

    lots of people feel exactly like this but the more important bit is how many people do something about it - and live to tell the tale after excercise !!!

    I think we've got a few - Charlie, Matt, Red for starters


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  4. #4
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    Exercise was the saviour for me - cured me of panic so don't give it up please. Your heart will beat harder but that is a good sign and u should welcome it cos it is pumping blood around and doing u some good.

    Until you feel happy about those feelings then just do something gentle (like swimming) and then when you feel confident you will be able to do that work-out and know it is doing u some good



  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Thanks everyone,

    Nic, i think I will take your advice and do some swimming first, the only fear now is to pluck up the courage to get a swimming costume on!!!


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    I used to worry about going to the pool sadie as I dont look great in my swimmers!! But then if you go to a lanes session most of the other people there are just trying to get fit too...

    Once you have been a couple of times you wont think about it and someone normally chats to you! Or maybe its just me that rambles onto complete strangers.. lol


  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Exercise really does make you feel better (in a sweaty, legs going to fall off sort of a way).

    REMEMBER - the heart is basically a muscle. The more you exercise it, the fitter it will get. The fitter it gets, the less likely it is to suffer disease or illness.

    Go to the gym, do an induction, and you will be worked through a programme which is constantly reviewed, and structured around YOU.

    I thought I was going to die when I first went, but discovered that I was actually a lot fitter than I first thought.

    The gym I go to is in the local council leisure centre, and there are loads of differnt people there - old, young, fit, flabby, serious, and just out for the social (although why anybody would want to socialise in a gym is beyond me)

    Personally, I prefer the gym to swimming - you can cover up from head to toe. And if you want to switch off, go with your walkman and headphones and listen to music (or even a relaxation tape).

    Give it a go - I thought it would kill me too, but really, I feel so much better for doing it. This week I have even joined as a member, instead of being casual user.

    Best of luck



  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Some health authorities do a prescription for exercise which is basically 10 weeks of free gym membership!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    hi sadie,

    start exercising slowly,and at home....put some love song cds on,and while your dusting,hoovering,tidying up,move around slowly to the music,start to sing along,do a slow twirl now and again..a few slow steps forward,a few slow steps back...just feel comfortable with it..let your heart rate go up slowly...a week of this,and you can move around a little faster..i know how your thoughts work,and its just a matter of building up your confidence..theres no reason to rush exercise,it should be enjoyed...a few weeks time,you will be able to dance along to faster music...swimming is a great idea,and is sooo good for you,and puts no pressure on the heart...walking is another great exercise....i know your worried about your heart...well,the truth is,exercising will not damage your heart..NOT EXERCISING WILL DAMAGE YOUR my advice sadie,is my usual..little steps..start slowly,be comfortable with it,and every week,do a little wishes..bryan.

  10. #10
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    657 always bring a smile to my face somehow!!

    Let me just say if I take your advice and start moving around slowly to love music whilst doing the house will be my husbands heart rate that will be affected!!! Not because of the obvious but because he hasnt seen me do the house work!! (only joking)

    No I know you are all right...exercise is good for you and especially us anxiety sufferers, its just plucking up the courage to get started again without the extra worry about my heart stopping etc etc...

    well to be honest i would like to tone up as well for the summer time anyway as well as trying to keep healthy, so I will take the plunge...but little steps as you keep saying will do for the moment.

    Thanks everyone!


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