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Thread: trying to lose weight on Citalopram

  1. #11

    I Need to ERASE My FAT

    This might not be the most righteous forum for this matter, but since weight loss is a national pandemic, I was positive that there will possibly be many men or women here, who have been through any weight loss plans at all. In case you have some familiarity whatsoever kindly share.I am in particular unclear on what weight loss item to choose, as there are so numerous choices out there. The most recent hypes on Oprah like hoodia gordonii or garcinia cambogia don't make this subject any more straightforward. I really don't know where to begin, should I opt for an exact diet plan, routine of exercises...All I came to realize is that a change is necessary. And this change must take place now.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: trying to lose weight on Citalopram

    And this has what to do with anxiety?
    We will NEVER surrender comrade, remember always..actions speak louder than words!!

  3. #13

    Re: trying to lose weight on Citalopram

    I have gained so much weight on these tablets..hence reason not taken them anymore been off them 4 months and still struggling to loose weight! HELP.. :-(

  4. #14

    Re: trying to lose weight on Citalopram

    I have put weight on during taking Cit, I am now doing slimming world, I am now weaning myself off Cit. Is it possible I might lose the weight now??xx

  5. #15

    Re: trying to lose weight on Citalopram

    its not a FACT that antidepressants cause weight gain!!
    Citalopram isnt a fatty drug, anti depressants change your mind frame, which phycologically can change your eating habits. For example, if you feel happier you eat less, because you used to find comfort in food, or because your happier you eat more, because you feel happier in your skin.!!! its the mind, NOT the drug

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: trying to lose weight on Citalopram

    I've been on Cit. for 7 months and I've put on 2 stone.

    I know exactly why!
    Before the meds I couldn't stand sweet things, preferring an apple or cheese as a snack. I also found it impossible to eat once I was not hungry....

    After taking the meds I could eat chocolate bars as an olympic sport, eat a M&S chocolate cake at one sitting......

    I know since the anxiety and depression I have eaten for comfort, but my comfort food would be a nice home made vegetable stew etc.

    After cit. my comfort food is anything that is bad. I think it does change your taste.

    Anyone else notice that on Cit. you no longer get hungry, although you can eat a huge amount at mealtimes?

    I've got the perfect Homer Simpson shape now..... damn.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Re: trying to lose weight on Citalopram

    I've always had a strong appetite except when suffering some teenage angst and I stopped eating when I lost a boyfriend (bad idea).

    When I'm down, I eat more - biscuits, bread, cheese, chocolate, crisps

    When I'm hungry I eat - fish, salads, tomatoes, eggs, bread and pasta (but not all together)

    When I'm happy I eat... anything!!

    On Cit, my appetite is food... nom nom nom but I do try and keep it reasonably healthy. At the moment I'm loving anything cold and creamy, like muller rices, yoghurts, fruit juices and trifle. I start the day with granola, banana, strawberries and cold skimmed milk and absolutely love it. Oh and did I mention Carte Noir cappuccino?

    I'm already around two stone heavier than I'd like to be so I definately don't want to add to this, hence I'm sincerely hoping that my new gym membership will help me out. But if the scales start to creep up then I'm joining slimming world. If I stick to that plan and exercise then I will lose weight because I know it works as I've done it before. If it doesn't work on Cit (without cheating) then I'll blame the Cit.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Re: trying to lose weight on Citalopram

    aims - i have to disagree - i used to be very slim and since going on ssris i put on over 4 stone. especially citalopram. my doc has said it puts weight on as had my pschiatrist. i have tried diets, excercise, healthy eating and xenical and can lose a coupleof pounds but thats it. its a fact that they do put weight on apart from a few lucky ones that dont get this side effect. when i come off the tablets my weight does go down but its not because i eat less. and when im on the tablets im not happeir - i am just able to function and i dont eat any more.

  9. #19

    Re: trying to lose weight on Citalopram

    I have noticed since i stopped cit that i had water retention and must have weed at least 5 pints in the first couple of days, and while i was on them i too developed a very sweet tooth, but did not pile on the pounds like some people here, i think it depends on your metabolism. Hope this helps.xx

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Re: trying to lose weight on Citalopram

    I've put on a whopping 9lbs since November!

    And I know that its my fault... as I've been comfort eating and not going to the gym and being a right lazy bum! I don't blame the a/d's as I know that i'm being honest with myself and know for a fact that I did this and the 9lbs is down to me. It could be the a/d's but in my case I know its me.

    Any advice on how I can shift the weight safely. I dnt want to crash diet xx

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