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Thread: Mirtazapine worried that I'm not me anymore - please help advice + experience needed

  1. #1

    Mirtazapine worried that I'm not me anymore - please help advice + experience needed

    Hi all,

    I have been on Mirtazapine since last Wednesday and am feeling really strange. Before these I was on duloxetine which was making me feel very sick and spaced out.

    On Mirtz I am feeling really tired and sleepy, since Wednesday I have slept in until 12 noon, having roughly 16 hours sleep a night which is now stopping me from functioning in my everyday life. Luckily I have this week off but I am really worried about going back to work next week.

    I am ever so clumsy, so much so I have burnt myself on the oven shelf this week and now have a lovely burn mark on my arm :( I do not trust myself to do any ironing, cooking, washing up, anything basically that i need to concentrate on. I am basically a cabbage, which is something I definately did not want to be.

    I was very anxious about going on any antidepressants, having coped for over 5 years without any medication or counselling. However, after finally giving in and with persuasion from my husband I went to the doc and cried for an hour straight about how I can't cope anymore and that I can't 'perform' (my way of coping - acting normal around everyone). I cried myself to sleep and put a smile on my face even though my entire life felt crap, and I felt crap.

    On these I feel very tearful and feel tired all the time. I cried yesterday and feel like crying now. These tablets are supposed to make me feel better but now i feel worse. I am due to go back to the doc a week on wednesday to see how i'm getting up.

    I don't want to be a cabbage, I want to live my life happily, I want to be normal. I just don't feel like I'm ever going to be that again.

    Please help, feeling so lost.

    Gem x

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Re: Mirtazapine worried that I'm not me anymore - please help advice + experience nee

    I have been on Zispin for three weeks and I feel exactly the same as you mention. Like a cabbage is the exact feeling. I've been told to keep taking them and hopefully it'll get better. Easier said than done though!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: Mirtazapine worried that I'm not me anymore - please help advice + experience nee

    Dear GL I think that you need to allow time for your body to get used to this medication. I am taking 45mg and I function like a normalish human being. I would cancel any engagements that you have and if you work get signed off. Allow yourself to sleep when you want and to eat when you want to. The 'spaced out' feelings will improve as will the daytime and excessive drowsiness I remember only too well. I also tried duloxetine and was very sick and nauseous. I would stand up and fall down again I was that sick and giddy. Try not to lose hope that things will improve with the mirt they will. You just need to allow yourself some time.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: Mirtazapine worried that I'm not me anymore - please help advice + experience nee

    Hi Gem,

    I agree with Elizabeth-Jane, I have been on mirtazipine for 3 months now started on 15 then upped to 30. I felt exactly like you, drunk almost and slept so well. It does improve after a couple of weeks it really does. I was withdrawing from citalopram at the same time so had both effects so was even worse but I got through and you will too even though you probably dont feel like you will at this moment in time.

    I would see if you can be signed off for a couple of weeks or at least a week to allow the meds to settle, it just takes the pressure off as well so you then can just concentrate on getting used to the meds.

    Keep posting on here as there are a few of us taking mirtazipine and try not to read too much into the negative posts as there are alot of positives to come out of this too and remember we are all different.

    Take care hun and I wish you feeling better soon.


  5. #5

    Re: Mirtazapine worried that I'm not me anymore - please help advice + experience nee

    Thank you all for your posts.

    Can't take any time off work cos we are short staffed anyway. :( Plus, I've just landed a promotion (even tho they know i've just gone back on antidepressants) so I need to show them that I can do my job.

    I just wish these feelings would pass cos I have so many jobs that need to get done. I am starting to pick up now, but in a few hours need to take next pill so the cycle starts again.

    My husband is being brilliant, I cried earlier when he came back from work and he just hugged me. It helps knowing things should get better and that I am not alone in these horrible feelings.

    Thank you to all of you who have taken the time to reply, it really does help x

  6. #6

    Re: Mirtazapine worried that I'm not me anymore - please help advice + experience nee

    Is it possible for me to work as a professional (an English teacher) and go through the first couple weeks of taking mirtazapine and come out alive LOL?

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