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Thread: Obsessive swallowing

  1. #71

    Re: Obsessive swallowing

    Just wondering very curiously if some of you have had some of the following issues in your life before or onset of your excess swallowing&excess saliva problems; strep throat, sinusitis, deviated septum, acid reflux or thin/weak neck?

    I suffered from a bad long lasting strep throat with URTI, coughing fits and pharyngitis just before I started to be aware of my swallowing for the first time. At the moment I've got mild chronic sinusitis, deviated septum, thin weak neck, and suspect of acid reflux. I heard acid reflux, strep throat or sinusitis might trigger the excessive swallowing and or saliva. I'll see a doctor to have some tests done in the hope of ruling out the triggering or complication factors.


  2. #72

    Re: Obsessive swallowing

    Quote Originally Posted by elma34 View Post
    Just wondering very curiously if some of you have had some of the following issues in your life before or onset of your excess swallowing&excess saliva problems; strep throat, sinusitis, deviated septum, acid reflux or thin/weak neck?

    I suffered from a bad long lasting strep throat with URTI, coughing fits and pharyngitis just before I started to be aware of my swallowing for the first time. At the moment I've got mild chronic sinusitis, deviated septum, thin weak neck, and suspect of acid reflux. I heard acid reflux, strep throat or sinusitis might trigger the excessive swallowing and or saliva. I'll see a doctor to have some tests done in the hope of ruling out the triggering or complication factors.

    yes i have had strep throats before and had whooping cough when i was little. so my doctor thinks that the whooping cough could have some affect of why im frightend of chocking, from when i was a kid maybe i was scared of chocking.

  3. #73

    Re: Obsessive swallowing

    Ahh...could be an association of the fear of choking from past medical issues, yes indeedies.

    One way to possibly find out is to keep a journal...every time you have an urge to anxiously swallow, note it down, the intensity (maybe 1 to 5, 5 being the worst) and what thoughts/feelings/associations went along with it. In about a week, notice if there are any patterns. One place to start with, anyhow. And, will give ya something to do by way of channeling the anxiety into something constructive.
    "Does one run away from a charging bear because one is affraid, or is one affraid because one is running from a charging bear? Our tendency, though counter intuitive, is to feel because we act and not the other way around. Therefore, try in all things to act calmly and surround oneself with all that is of peace, and in time one feels that peace flowing through you like a calming brook, streaming from an endless life-giving spring of true mindfulness."

  4. #74

    Re: Obsessive swallowing

    i cant stand it its driving me mental i cant stop thinking about swallowing all day even when i try go sleep its horrible i constantly feel the saliva build up in my mouth. the worst is i swallow about 5x a minute so i have all this white stuff at the back of my throat which makes me feel more anxious and tensed, i hate having to pop a pill to calm me down but there is no other way when im scared.

  5. #75

    Re: Obsessive swallowing

    Quote Originally Posted by SuperInfinity View Post
    Hi, sorry to hear you're not doing so well. :( But please come off the risperidone. The risperidone may be causing or a part of your swallowing obsession. The diazepam is not as bad.
    i just wanted to say im stopping my risperidone but not my sertraline or diazepam i too have found out that risperidone can have a side effect of excessive saliva its the worst drug originally i was put on it because i said i felt dizzy and i was going to fall over, then they gave me risperidone then ever since ive produced so much saliva that i constantly focus on swallowing which has made me go on sertraline and diazepam and im only 16. i no i suffer with anxiety but this risperidone could be my anxiety about swallowing?

  6. #76

    Re: Obsessive swallowing

    hello everyone good news well ive stopped my risperidone and my saliva levels have gone back down to normal but i cant seem to stop excessivley swallowing its so hard to deal with i cant really get to sleep at night because when my head hits the pillow i start to feel anxious and tensed which makes me focus on swallowing. im still taking my sertraline 150mg and 2mg of diazepam only my doctors are trying to cut me of my diazepam but i cant cope with out it. also i have brought some valerian to help me sleep at night anyone please reply or private message me thanks!

  7. #77


    Hey everyone... like most of you here, I had the old "i must be the only one thought" until finding this site...

    I've had the problem for two years (high school years) and it has been really difficult to deal with, especially in its early days...

    I was determined to CONQUER THE PROBLEM, but of course, this often makes it worse...

    However, experiencing it made me realise that it gets better with certain conditions and at certain times of the day...

    For example, get asked to make a speech in school / do a presentation at work? well that is the time when for most people the problem is going to be worst because LOOK HOW MANY PEOPLE ARE GOING TO SEE YOU SWALLOWING... it's not nice... :(

    However, chatting with your friends and the problem is either barely there or gone all together? It's to do with nerves... when you're more nervous, scared not of swallowing but of how you will LOOK swallowing, then you worry, produce more adrenaline, your heart rate increases and you swallow... CHOKE CHOKE CHOKE...

    BUT, there is hope... I eventually had to see my teachers (two) about this problem when it got bad and sitting there, explaining my problem, I also found myself having the usual struggles... But after EXPLAINING my problems, the teacher said to me... "well i didn't notice you swallowing that much, neither did mr x [the other teacher]... I think this problem is more 'yours' than anyone elses"

    And it was then that I realised, I had become so obsessed with the problem, I didn't realise that the world moves on: other people around you aren't seeing the world from YOUR point of view, so if you swallow slightly more than average while reading something out there's a SLIM chance they're going to notice, and even if they do, if they're going to remember or care...

    Some quick fire advice for coping if the above doesn't help:

    1. If the problem gets worse when you get flustered, take valerian root (calms you down, takes the edge off)

    2. steam inhalation/shower... lubes everything up down there and often helps

    3. eating a square meal before needing to talk can be useful as it gets everything working

    4. PRACTICE: read to yourself, make audio recordings of readings, sing, recite poetry

    AND FINALLY... I know it may sound a little childish and awkward, but I feel it may help SIGNIFICANTLY: I think the people posting on this site should post their skype names (or equivalent) and should converse with each other... both people will have no inhibitions and can watch the other person swallowing or not swallowing and KNOW THEY ARE NOT ALONE... it's a great confidence builder... it's like an understanding, helpful audience

    If you think it's a good idea, post your skypes... mine's " stormsays "

    Good luck everyone, and realise that maybe people aren't taking as much interest as you'd think


  8. #78

    Re: Obsessive swallowing

    Hi to all

    do you think is really possible to heal once and for all?

    I am a slave of this OCD.
    Swallowing is my first thought when i wake up e the last one when i go to to sleep.

    The quality of the life is terrible.

    I've have tested a lot of drugs therapies, no one worked at all. The gave me only a little relief.

    I'm going to surrender to it. I'm starting to believe this OCD wins always.

    My only hope is my faith in scientific research. I am waiting for the definitive drug that will free me from this nightmare.

    Love to all

  9. #79

    Re: Obsessive swallowing

    Hmmm... reading almost all 80 plus post, it is actually indeed good that other are out there and are willing to share their issues. I had a feeling i wasnt the only one. That was because humans share issues like others.

    As for my story, it started when my older brother and I were playing and just got done watch som action fighting TV show. I say i was bout 8 or nine. My brother karate chopped me in my throat. I can remember feeling like i was going to die. It was like i couldn't breathe so i started swallowing to help myself breathe. From there i went away over time.

    It came back in spurts but went away in spurts through out my life. However i can distinctively remember when it came back another time. I am a US Miltary Veteran of the US Marine Corps. I went overseas three times to combat. I was and Infantryman. I seen ALOT. This was very stressful on me. During my last months there, the final and third time i deployed, i can remember swallowing a lot! I was like what's the deal with me; not again. It came it went as the days went on. One day i was with my buddies and we were eating lunch. I remember one of the guys kept on clearing his throat and the other guy's eye kept on twitching. I laughed and was like man we are all going crazy over here. THATS WHEN IT HIT ME. Everyone had their on anxiety moments. I can remember thinking about it when I was on my home country when i got off the plane and was like wow its gone, the swallowing is gone. I then knew it had something to do with stress because i was soooo relived to be back HOME.

    So i do now realize its all stress related for me at least. The swallowing has come and gone since then. Usually i forget about it after a couple of days. Now the swallowing has came back with a fury. Its crazy because im not stressed out this time. However I do suffer from PTSD (Post traumatic stress disorder) but i cover it up and hide it well. I think this might be a small bit of why the swallowing gets triggered. I find this condition as something that will pass if i just let go and live life. Yes like everyone else it is hard to break, but by me reading all yall post and a even post my post, my swallowing left. I do wake up swallowing and have dry mouth as well as extra saliva, which is new this time around, but i keep God and faith it will pass, which i know it will.

    I think i just need to relax and chill for a couple of days. Yes my throat hurts but i can't live in fear and i think thats important when tackling this swallowing issue. Stay positive. I feel everyones pain and I will get better. As for people who what to know, i do have sinus and allergy issues a;; my life. I have a thin neck (infantry marines are not like TV ad because we have no time to work out, we walk allllllll day long, lol), I also have issues with strep throat, and i have tonsillitis and tonsil stones, i also have bad coughs at times.

    I think this has a link with the swallowing issues, but who can know for sure. But if find it important to let go and "Let GOD". Also worrying does not help. Relax. If i have this for years, I pray i can handle it like i handle everything and i know i will. Also no one knows you are swallowing, and spitting is not bad; swallow it. My mother and Aunts hold spit in their mouth and have been doing it for years, this is due to not wanting to swallow mucus, if they cant spit, the just swallow it. No one is perfect. Also for dry mouth people, just chew gum and drink water. That does help. I am a fighter and I WILL CONQUER THIS. All through preoccupation. Forgetting, i think is the key as well. OCD is the act of thinking then overly doing. If you don't think then you don't do. If we can swallow sub conciely, then swallowing would be like breathing, you wont even notice it.

    HOpe this helps. I also am not taking Meds. If you are in a relationship, sex is a cure for stress as well. It works for me.

  10. #80

    Re: Obsessive swallowing

    hello just thought i'd say that i havent got rid of my swallowing obsession but am coping so much better allthough i do have the odd day when its out of control but am finding sleeping more easily by listening to relaxing music on youtube. but its still not 100% gone and i dont know if it ever will but i just think dealing with it and getting on with life i remember when i first had it i was house bound for over 2months and now im pushing myself to go out. i hope all of you are ok and coping with it trust me it does get easier but it will never 100% go =)

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