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Thread: Worried sick about pregnancy

  1. #1

    Worried sick about pregnancy

    Hi all, I've posted about this before and I know I am being irrational but I can't help myself. I constantly worry about being pregnant even though I am on the pill and a strong pill at that, I make sure I take it at the exact time of day, every day without fail. If I even suspect anything could have interfered with it at all whether it be a "bad belly" that most people would consider normal or something else completely obsessive. The last few pills in each pack I count down the minutes until I'm due on my period and then fret uncontrollably if I have any symptoms of pregnancy such as feeling sick/dizzy/stomach pains etc (I also have bad IBS so you can see how bad things get).

    This month I did my usual freak out over passing a relatively normal stool that was slightly softer than the norm, even though the pill instructions say only extreme diahorrea can knock protection and you can miss upto 2 pills before youre at risk I went straight down to the pharmacy demanding the morning after pill for peace of mind (this is about the 4th time I've taken it possibly not needing it but worrying in advance about the worry I would have all month if I hadn't taken it.

    Anyway so its been 2 weeks since I took the MA pill and I'm due on my period in 5 days, I have all of a sudden developed very tender boobs that are sore to touch and I have CONVINCED myself I am pregnant even though a) nothing else has interfered with my pills b) I dont really think looking at it rationally I needed to take the ma pill in the first place and c) I took the MA pill 24hours afterwards so it would still be classed as 95% effective.
    Other times that I have taken levonelle I have had different side effects upto 4 weeks after so the only thing keeping me sane is that the tenderness is an after effect as it has only been 2 weeks or that it has triggered my pmt to come early as it states in the instructions it may do this to some people.

    I can't take a test because I would only be two weeks if i was pregnant and I don't think I can cope with the thought until the weekend when I'm due my period. Can someone give me some help as my boyfriend thinks I'm being ridiculous and I can't talk to him about it!?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Worried sick about pregnancy

    Hi there, firstly why are so getting worked up about being pregnant? Is there a reason why u fear this so much?

  3. #3

    Re: Worried sick about pregnancy

    hi i hope your feeling a little better, is there some history which makes you so worried about getting pregnant?thinking of you x

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Worried sick about pregnancy

    Why don't you get the implant that doesn't get reduced effects with upset stomachs etc.

    “Don't be afraid of death; be afraid of an unlived life. You don't have to live forever, you just have to live.” - Natalie Babbitt

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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    , , Ireland.

    Re: Worried sick about pregnancy

    you sound just like me about 8 years ago.
    I did get pregnant after taking map but it was because i was pregant with twins and also using st johns wart. its very very very uncommon so dont worry.i had taken it a few times before then with no problems. for the record i only gave birth to one baby

    after thatI used to worry constantly that i was pregnant. i remember once i was a day late..took a test (negative)got period the next day and still spent the next 4 months thinking i was up the duffer!

    i still worry about it but im now in a loving relationshop and about to get married where as when i got pregnant i was 20 and barely knew the guy.

    PM me if you need to talk further.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Re: Worried sick about pregnancy

    I think it would be a good idea if you thought about why you are so scared of being pregnant. For instance is it a fear of childbirth, of being out of control of your body, of the tests, of the hospital?
    If you can work out what the root of your problem is you can work on fixing it.

    For now though. Some months I get sore breasts, some months I dont even notice Ive got a period due until it appears. As we age it will change too.
    Rebuilding my life one day at a time.

  7. #7

    Re: Worried sick about pregnancy

    Thanks everyone I don't know what it is I think I just had it drummed into me from all angles during school that having a baby was bad news, that and I have terrible anxiety so I always think of the worst way having a baby could affect my life i.e dropping out of uni, everyone talking about me, not being able to travel etc etc
    When I think about it I am pretty scared of childbirth too but I dont think thats the route of it

    I had considered the IUD coil actually, silly as it sounds I don't think I could trust it to work properly if I couldn't physically control it i.e taking a pill each day - irrational I know

    Starting to get cramps today so hoping its just a bad month for PMT

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Re: Worried sick about pregnancy

    I doubt youl be preggers if your on the pill and use condoms??? Its the safest way. Im not on the pill.. and I sometimes fear it... Im sure your fine.
    Take care x x x
    Fear can keep us up all night long, but faith makes one fine pillow.

  9. #9

    Re: Worried sick about pregnancy

    I was exactly like that!!! I used to obssesively check that the packet was not torn because I thought if its open it willl decrease the effectiveness. It would take me 15 to physically take the pill cause I would check it was in my mouth and that it hadn't fallen out. Then i'd check my glass for like 10 minutes to make sure i didn't backwash the pill out. It was horrible. But then I had to face my fears. I gradually exposed myself to my fear and then I didn't worry so much anymore. I worked on taking it without checking my mouth and the glass and eventually the fear faded. And you're right. My Gp said it takes 3 missed pills to get pregnant. And do u realise how hard it is to actually get pregnant. It needs to be timed perfectly in terms of your days of ovulation. After all my anxiety, when I decided I wanted to fall pregnant, it took me a year and 4 months to do it, with help from ovulation drugs. It's good to see u understand the thoughts are irrational. U need to keep looking at the facts. Also, taking the MA pill is worsening your fear. You're giving in to the fear by taking it each time. TRust me.. stop taking the MA pill, you need to face your fear. I strongly recommend u see someone about it though, u need support when exposing yourself to the fear... Good luck.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Worried sick about pregnancy

    I also think you should look to other forms of contraception.

    Personally I loved Depo injections, and I am now a big fan of my implant, however I don't get bleeding with either of them, and I think you would benefit from having that monthly reassurance.

    Maybe an IUD? I know you want to be in control, but you need to do that in a healthy, relaxed way.
    "I give myself very good advice, but I very seldom follow it..." (Alice in Wonderland)

    Long sufferer of health anxiety but *shush* it's a secret! Adverse to meds.

    "Getting information off the internet is like taking a drink from a fire hydrant" (Mitchell Kapor)

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