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Thread: "Life is like a box of chocolates ,you never know what you are gonna get"

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    , , USA.

    "Life is like a box of chocolates ,you never know what you are gonna get"

    For those who know the expression .It came from the movie Forest Gump.A quote that his mama always told him.

    After hours and hours of research I am finding that pretty much to be true.
    Life is basically a flip of the coin ,a roll of the dice. Whatever is will be and nothing you nor I can do to stop it,although people want you to believe it.

    I just read a list of 40 or more people ages ranging from 93 to 121 that smoked for most of their lives and attributed that to their longevity .

    Then I read list of entertainers that died from drug overdose and cancer of some form and heart disease or being murdered or plane crash etc.. at
    a fairly young age

    Then I read a list of famous people that were the innovators of things such as jogging, eating right and losing weight to live longer,even wrote books on the subject that died at less than 60 years old and most in their 50's

    Weird..People that did all the right things and lived long and them that
    seem to live forever doing all the wrong things. The irony of it all! When
    all seems to be said and done..It seems to be fate that determines what
    happens to all of us. The reason I was researching all of this was
    innocent. I wanted to find some comfort and reassurance that I too could
    live long like my grandparents and my dad and mom and others, but what
    I found is pretty much a fact. It seems no matter how much we protect
    ourselves its out of our hands.

    Funny this has even been the case in my own family . My wife's brother
    who had everything to live for was pretty much like the majority of us
    here except in most cases more aggressive HA suffered. He would not
    even drive for fear that he would get in an accident so he walked every
    where he went. We were on our way to see him and others in the family
    a few years ago ,he was walking the sidewalk and a jeep went around
    another vehicle went up on the sidewalk and sent him through the
    windshield. He died three hours after we arrived sadly to say . He was
    only 54 and had spent a lifetime trying to do all the things that most of
    us do here to protect ourselves .

    So to get to the point sadly but somewhat more enlightend I suppose
    Forest Gump's mother was correct when she said that life was like a box
    of cherries ,you never know what you are going to get.. lol.. So live good
    each and everyday like its your last. Enjoy the moment, the little things
    and the simple things ,plan a future but not to the point of stress and
    enjoy life and see where fate takes you . Hope this post isn't annoying
    it just came to my attention that our attempt at control is pretty futile
    and much of our anxieties come from not being able to control so its
    a vicious circle. Take care and thanks for reading.
    Blah Blah Blah Blah..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: "Life is like a box of chocolates ,you never know what you are gonna get"

    Thats so true Michael .I believe we will go when its our time ...Its like the lottery when your numbers up its up .Till then make the most of every day .Look at the sky like its for the last time ,and savour every moment . Nice thought provoking post ..take care luv Sue

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    , , USA.

    Re: "Life is like a box of chocolates ,you never know what you are gonna get"

    Thank you are very kind..Michael
    Blah Blah Blah Blah..

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