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Thread: ecg accuracy

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    ecg accuracy

    hi, just wondering if anyone knows alot about ecg's cos i'm panicking abit (again)

    had heart flutters (which i think are eptopics) for past few days on and off but today woke up with like an intenal shaking (which ive had before) but the thing was it centred around my heart and made me feel like my heart was shaking or vibrating. This lasted for hours so i got worried and rang emergency doc who told me to go get an ecg. I had one about 9 weeks ago when the anxiety thing started so was worried that he would think i needed another one - but went any way.

    i had one and the nurse said nothing acute, but when i was describing rest of symptoms to doc - feeling sick, a bit lightheaded, couldn't swallow too well, numb arms i just didn't feel convinced it could just be anxiety.

    the thing is too that she asked if the heart shakes had occured when having the ecg and they hadn't (cos its only like a 5 second reading) so she did another and it still didntt happen. she said they were both fine but i'm home now and it's started again so am worried. Does anyone know how good ecg's are and if the shaking which had happened before the ecg had been serious, if it would have shown up anyway.

    sorry to go on but i'm mega worried cos this is the fisrt trip to hospital/doctors where bp and pulse rate have been little high so am pondering on it.
    thanks, linz

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    The internal shaking can be generalized nervous internal shakes and are nothing to do with the heart at all, its your body trying to rid itself of excess adrenalin or being extra tired. Try a walk followed by a lavender bath.

    An ECG will show the current heart rhythm as well as any areas of old or new ischaemia - reason for angina or heart attack.

    I don't think from your description that your shaking is cardiac in origin.


    Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
    How big is your gallery ?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    thanks meg, just really needed some reasurrance. linz

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