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Thread: A delicate question for the ladies

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    , , USA.

    A delicate question for the ladies

    Ok, ladies I have a very personal question for y'all. I have never told anyone about this fear. But now I realy need to face it and I am not sure how to do it. I was wondering if you have any tips for me. I need to go see my gynacologist (sp?) I have not had a breast exam or a pap smear for over 10 years. I know I know very irresponsible. I have been beating myself up for a long time. Another board I go to brought the subject up and I realy am wondering how to cope with this. Just thinging of all of the fears I would have to conquer just make me crazy!! First I would have to go to a new place, then I would have to put on one of those paper robes (new thing touching my body) then I would have to expose my skin to the exam table, and then the two biggies. The dr would be touching me, and the one that is realy embarassing,, the speculum (or what ever it is called). I have a big thing about that. It would be something not mine touching me. The doctors have the plastic ones that are sealed in packages, but I would have to go to the free clinc and they have the metal ones that they clean, so then I would freak about that too, would they have it clean enough? Could they have contaminated it by touching it? The questions go on and on. I also have convinced myself that a mucus membrane is an easy portal for things like germs or drugs. So I worry about that speculum. I mean I won't even use toilet paper in a public restroom, (I allways carry my own) because I fear germs or drugs on the paper. Whew, that was hard to talk about. I probably am not making sense here, but I welcome any input. Now, if y'all feel like this is way to public of a place to reply with anything my email is and if it would make you feel better, you could email me there. I realy need to get over this, but just thinking of it is like looking at a mountain!!! Help!!!!
    God Bless you and yours

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Debbie

    I think most of us women can sympathise with you cos we all have to face the breast examinations and smear tests (as we call them).

    I had a colposcopy about 6 years ago so I have to have a smear every year (in fact it is due very soon). I hate it - they try to make it as comfortable as possible and help you retain your dignity by covering you up as much as possible, but it is still something I dread!

    So it must be really hard for you as you have this fear of contamination as well.

    Well let me re-assure you everything will be very very sterile and you will be safe from any germs what so ever. They use stainless steel cos it can be cleaned more easily and they do this in boiling water. Have you ever wondered why industrial kitchens are always in stainless steel? Cos it can be cleaned so thoroughly!

    You do need to get your health checked out to please try and make the appointment won't you? Can you take someone with you for support?

    Doctors are used to seeing breasts all the time - they do not see it as you may think they do. I had a cyst on my breast about 18 months ago so had to see the doc about it. They don't see a breast as such they see a medical condition so try to imagine that they aren't interested in oggling your boobs but checking you out - does that make sense!

    So I do know how you feel cos I have had to go through both as well.

    It may be worth mentioning to them when you get there that you have these fears and can they just bear with you whilst they do everything. I am sure they will be understanding

    I hope this re-assures you somewhat


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    i dont mean to ask but how old do ya have to be to have ya breasts checked, my nan died of it (14 years ago) so i just wanna know if it could be passed to me (by DNA or gunes)


    turn that frown
    upside down

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    , , USA.
    i hate all that stuff too. i've had 3 colscopys and 1 colonoscopy done. yucky!! i'm due for a pap and breast exam in april.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    I have never had mine checked by a doctor, and I am 37 now. They expect you to do your own checking and alert them of any problems. At a certain age - not sure what it is - I think they ask you to go for examinations. Meg will probably be able to say at what age.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    oh i hate havn all that stuff done 2:( especially as my doctor is youngish and nice looking ahhhhhhhhhh but i dont particulary like havn it done my a female either i check my own breasts now after i was a bit stroppy wen my doctor suggested hed like too check them for any change im like i dont think so chummy so now he just asks if ive been chekn i always say yes but i dont really feel a bit weird doing that too myself[:I] as for smear tests u know how ure like oh thatl never happen too me well after 6 yes 6 smears came back abnormal they referd me too the womans clinc were they discoverd i had cervical cancer after doing a coloscopy that was year ago and have since had it all removed after many trips too womans clinic and day surgery, i am still terrified off havn these done not cos of things being sterile or anything or it maybe being uncomfortable but i am just mortifed at the very thot of going for another one but i know i have too cos that gave me 1 hell of a fright[xx(]

    t c all


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    It all depends on your postcode and your family history when you get the summons for breast screening.


    Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
    Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    I had to have a smear test recently and i was stressing just as much as you are, however, the more you relax the easier and quicker(!) it is for the doctor to do it.... and, doctors see these things all the time, all shapes and sizes!!!
    Take a deep breath and you'll be fine!!
    Take care wont you?


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