Hello Joro,

Glad you doing o.k. At last the CBT....I finished my sessions a while ago now and I think it was more counselling than CBT but she did do some stuff with me. I came to the conclusion that I think I will always suffer with anxiety and sometimes depression but I just need to keep it under control and try and recognise any triggers. I wasn't asked to come off meds whilst having it as I still find that even on meds I still have my "blips" as i call them and I always suffer when I first wake up. I do intend to try and come off the mirtazipine after Christmas though as I have gained so much weight and it just wont shift!! I intend to stick with the pregabalin for a while.

Anyhow let us know how you get on with CBT...hope it helps you and lovely to hear from you...have often wondered how you were doing.

Take care.