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Thread: In Pain

  1. #81
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Re: In Pain

    I'm getting quite worried about depression today. I really don't want to end up feeling the way I did this time last year, it was the most terrifying feeling I have ever experienced. But I can feel slight hints of it the past week. I am on Citalopram and hoping that it will stop me from feeling that way again, and am frightened that if it doesn't nothing will work again. I don't know whether it's normal to have a bit of a blip after having an upsetting time lately, I am not meaning just feeling sad or low, but proper depression with all the trimmings!

    Maybe it will pass soon - hope it does!!

  2. #82

    Re: In Pain

    dont know if you got my pm back might have mucked up lentils

  3. #83
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Re: In Pain

    Hi Lentils,

    No haven't had a PM! How are you doing?

  4. #84

    Re: In Pain

    oh well must have mucked up pm still ill write on here , think im trough the worst looking positive for the future and xmas dont quite look so daunting , nice to hear from you i often wonder how you are coping , got rid of everything of hers clothes (etc) and that semmed to kickstart feeling a lot better , anyway on a funny note she got in touch with me to ask for an item back that she had left behind and i told her it was probally at the tip by now ,anyhow about two days later her new fella and two of his mates come to my door and says that if i dont give it back there going to kick my head in ,i was wondering how long before we got to that point , anyway i take by your pm that your still struggling i hope you come thtrough the other side soon you certainly have had some support on here judging by all the replies , you deserve some happiness and im sure it will arrive sooner rather than later and remember im always hear for you if you want to chat also remember that you have done nothing wrong its not your fault ..take care and keep fighting ..lentils...

  5. #85
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Re: In Pain

    Well it's the start of the 'dreaded weekend'. I feel so sad and cried when I got in from work tonight. I hate being like this and just want to stop missing him and get on with life. I know it's only been a month or so but I am impatient!!

    I am on call tonight with work and really don't want to get called out as don't feel I can cope with it without bursting into tears! Knowing that my ex and friends are just up the road having a good time and that I should have been there with them is so hard. I miss him so so much and it seems to be getting harder not easier. I find it easier to get on with daily life than I did before so that is getting better, but I am missing him more and more as time goes on. Suppose it is a natural way to feel after so long but I wish it would stop!

    I just keep reminding myself that once all the things we had planned have passed then things will be easier as I won't have to know what he is doing each weekend then.

  6. #86
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Re: In Pain

    Sending you hugs, Moomintroll.
    I really feel for you. The end of a relationship pain is one of the worst pains, I think. Hopefully the worst of how you feel will soon be over and you will soon start feeling better. It will get easier but it takes time.
    Thinking of you

  7. #87
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Re: In Pain

    Thank you Poppy!

    I think it's also the fact that I had just beaten my depression/anxiety a few months ago and feel that everything is going wrong again.

    It certainly is a horrible kind of pain to go through because of all the mixed emotions you have to deal with.

    Will get there though and it's fab to read all of the responses and kind words from people on here!


  8. #88
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Re: In Pain

    Had a terrible night's sleep, slept all through but awful nightmares involving my ex. Woke up this morning feeling so hurt and sad.

    Off to ride the horse now though, and then down to see my mum and gran an hour away. Got to keep busy as don't want to think of my ex so nearby.

    Hope I can get through the day without crying!

  9. #89
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Re: In Pain

    Well got through the dreaded weekend but not very well.

    I went out last night with a guy for a few drinks, which was nice but then when I got home I drank a bit too much red (stupid I know) and stayed up far too late. Resulting in me having to call in sick today as felt awful. Then just found out some really bad news involving my ex's family.

    Feel absolutely awful today, so depressed and stupid for doing what I did. I just want to stop feeling like this and be happy in life.

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