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Thread: Coming off Citalopram

  1. #181
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: Coming off Citalopram

    Ohhhhh have to say all that has scared me a bit......I have only been on cit for two months, but if coming off is that bad. Ohhhhhh dear.

  2. #182

    Re: Coming off Citalopram

    I lost my repeat script and due to stuff getting in the way I had 3 days without Citalopram. Was thinking I was coming down with something nasty until I googled 'coming off citalopram' and found the exact symptoms I've got.
    I'm on 40mg and can't believe how terrible I feel after only 3 days without them.
    Got some more now and am scared because I just can't wait for them to be back in my system.
    That can't be good, can it?!

  3. #183
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Re: Coming off Citalopram

    After coming off for a bit I could not cope and went back on but only up to 5mg. My doctor said that was nothing anyway and should come off again but take 'Kalms' instead. They are natural tablets, so from plants and stuff and you can buy them anywhere. they are for stress,, anxiety etc.... It made me not have nay of the symptoms that I had when I first came off citelopram and I really recommend you go on it if you want to come off as they help too

  4. #184

    Re: Coming off Citalopram

    Hi everyone, I came across this site when looking on goggle for the side effects of coming off citalopram and found it very useful to read everyone's experiences with the medication.
    I went on 10mg of citalopram about 7 months ago after experiencing days of being extremely down and tearful for no particular reason. When i spoke to the doctor about it he recommended this medication and put me on a 10mg dosage. After reading a lot of the comments posted on this website I would like to think my side effects were quite mild compared to some, but within the first few weeks of being put on the medication i had constant nightmares and felt nauseous throughout the day. I got terrible headaches and for the first five weeks felt absolutely no benefit. After about two moths of being on 10mg i went back to the doctors to be taken off as i felt no improvement of mood and he recommended i move up to 20mg. I felt immediate effects with the increased dosage and began to feel much better, but was now unable to cry. I have been on 20mg for 5 months now and although I do believe it has improved my lows, it has resulted in my moods being pretty static with not many highs. I feel that my feelings are not my own and i have now decided to come off. I cut down to 10mg for a month and then to 5mg for about a week and have just decided to stop altogether. My side effects have not been too bad although i have been feeling nauseous throughout the day, been constantly hungry,can feel my heart beating through my chest, and get a hot tingly sensation in my face. It has been about 7 weeks since cutting down from 20mg and can feel my old self coming back. Of course I have had some days where i have not felt brilliant and felt as if i could cry, but i have come to the conclusion that that is OK.

    From my experience with citalopram, i would like to tell people that although these medications may seem like the only option to feel better, and i myself believed that at first, just trying to make yourself happy is the best solution. It is the outlook on life that makes all the difference. I have come to the realization that no one can fix me or make me happy I have to do it myself and by finally taking initiative i have begun to feel a lot better. I keep myself extremely busy and around close friends and a supporting family which gives me not much time to feel down and depressed.

    Sorry for writing such a long entry, got a little carried away, but these are just my experiences with the medication and i hope it can help some people with some of their questions, but i just want to say you can feel better. Get out there, involve yourself (even when you cant be bothered or don't feel like it at all) you will feel much better afterwards for having done so and you know that YOU are in control so think Positive and one day you might wake up and feel like your old self! xxx

  5. #185

    Unhappy Re: Coming off Citalopram

    hi, i have been on 20mg of citilopram for last 7 months and recently stopped taking them as i dont like being on them even though they make me feel better. i have started feeling sick in the mornings, almost in a dream like state, weak, heart feels like its pumping out of my chest and very sensitive the smallest thing can make me cry. should i start taking them again? x

  6. #186
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Coming off Citalopram

    I've got a docs appointment in the morning to suggest that I come off Citalopram. I'm on 40mg and am simpy exhausted all of the time. In my last medication review the GP said the excessive tiredness was probably a side effect of the meds. Whatever I have in store, it can't be as bad as living in a complete fog.

  7. #187
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: Coming off Citalopram

    JodeyG Its best to cut down very slowly when you want to come off them ,iI would take 10mg until you feel ok abt 2-3weeks .You dont want to feel bad for christmas do you ? Cut down by 5 or 10mg at a time and dont cut down again until you have stabilised .This way the side effects wont be too bad until you get to the last dose . Then its prob best to do it by 5mg ...ALL THE BEST sue x
    Last edited by suzy-sue; 29-11-10 at 23:34. Reason: addedsomething

  8. #188
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: Coming off Citalopram

    Shortstuff I cut down from 40mg to 30mg I felt a lot better on a lower dose .I did it in two steps 5mg at a time .My side effects going on them was bad .So I did it this way to avoid bad side effects .See how you get on and please dont just go cold turkey .T/C sue x

  9. #189
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Coming off Citalopram

    Just got back from the doctor's and am reducing from 40mg to 30mg over a month. I was also told that I find the effects unbearable to try 40mg one day and 30mg the next. Not looking forward to the possbilities but I am looking forward to being able to function again!

  10. #190

    Re: Coming off Citalopram

    I reduced from 40 to 20 then stopped completely as I thought I could handle it. I could for a while.

    I had no side effects apart from a few bad nightmares but now the anxiety and self hatred is coming back with a vengance.

    Having problems now big ones but dare not go back to the GP to get more as I've told him I'm off and OK.

    For personal reasons I really don't want anymore 'depression' stuff etc to be listed on my medical records in case it causes me problems later on.

    Does anyone know if Citalopram is available from online overseas pharmacies without prescription? That way I could get the meds I probably need but without compromising my future by going to the GP and having the details on my records?

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