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Thread: 'Depression Can Be Fun'

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    'Depression Can Be Fun'

    Just wanted to let you all know about a great web site I've found called Depression Can Be Fun. Yes, I know it's a strange name, but the girl behind it is an ex depression sufferer who's set this up to help other sufferers. The site is packed full of ideas, great tips and helpful, practical advice about how to handle depression including all sorts of info about natural supplements. They also have a panel of experts who you can contact free

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Re: 'Depression Can Be Fun'

    Thanks for sharing, Ginny!
    It looks like a really good website. I love all the bright colours too!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: 'Depression Can Be Fun'

    I agree its a great site - I would recommend it toox

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Re: 'Depression Can Be Fun'

    I've checked it out and it seems pretty good, and you've got to admire the intentions, but calling it Depression Can Be Fun sounds like something a clueless teen Goth wannabe might think... I think it gives off completely the wrong impression. In my darkest moments I wasn't lying there thinking "Hahaha, wheeeee!", I was thinking "I feel like crap".

    As I said though, you can't fault the website's intentions.
    Citalopram Survival Guide
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    I drew the line between hope and despair, and the line will hold.

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  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Re: 'Depression Can Be Fun'

    I seem To agree with Poet.
    Petra x

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: 'Depression Can Be Fun'

    Any website that aims to raise awareness of mental helalth issues like depression gets my vote x

  7. #7

    Re: 'Depression Can Be Fun'

    Maybe the word "fun" could be replaced with "interesting", but I agree with you, paula lynne, there is not enough understanding of depression and the forum looks good.

    A few years ago I was a member of a very small forum where all the members had mental health problems, depression, anxiety, etc. It was quite good in the sense that we understood eachother fairly well and didn't try to offer unasked for advice etc. If a member came on and said, "I have found it difficult to come downstairs today", we would just give support and comfort.

    Then there was a short period where everyone was below par. There would just be a couple of posts from members saying things like, "Sorry I haven't been on, felt bad this week". Then the girl who started the forum said, "I don't feel so good, shall we pack this up now?" and we all seemed to say, "OK, whatever you want to do", a week went by and it was as if none of us could get out of bed and the forum literally faded away.

    I can look back at that and see it as funny. One of the other members with whom I kept in touch also saw the funny side afterwards and we have had a good cyber laugh about it, laughing at and between ourselves of course, but laughing nevertheless.

    Depression is NOT fun, it is very far from being fun but funny things can happen that we can sometimes look back on and laugh.

    We do not have enough laughs, life is desolate and sometimes frightening - but if we can think of something funny, it helps.

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