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Thread: Trouble Swallowing and 'lump in throat' for over week now, please help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Trouble Swallowing and 'lump in throat' for over week now, please help

    Ok here goes a reasonably wrong story, please bare with me, thanks if you take the time out to read it.

    I have acid reflux that comes up to my throat and also have had the anxiety lump in throat so know what they both feel like. Anyway this feeling is definitely not like them.

    Anyway, my 'fears' are always based around choking and throat constriction and the like, but I try quite successfully to not let it hinder myself.

    Anyway, about two weeks ago now I didn't feel too good for days, felt like I had a minor chest infection or the like, was coughing a lot but my body pretty much was dealing with it and I wasn't letting it hinder myself.

    Then stupidly, last Saturday (the 18th), I queued up for something from 4am-8.30am in freezing temperatures of like -8 or so (cold but worth it IMO ).

    Anyway, Sunday morning and I awoke at 5am feeling absolutely terrible, honestly worst I'd felt in years, shivering but also very hot at the same time, spent hours running to the toilet to be sick and nothing coming out, just feeling terrible in general. Was bad all that day and that night I still felt really bad, it culminated in a panic attack at 1am or so as it was my throat where the worst symptoms were and I felt that my throat was obstructed. God love my dad for taking me to the emergency out of hours doctor at 2am to see him. Doctor checked blood oxygen etc. and told me my breathing was fine but took one look at my throat and immediately said "very bad viral throat infection, home and rest".

    So I went home and felt slightly better the next day, and so on.

    Now in a wierd twist, my long awaited ENT appointment was on Wednesday of the same week, who I'd been referred to because of swallowing difficulties. Now he looked down my throat, confirmed the infection etc. but said other than that my throat was fine and I had nothing to worry about swallowing wise. He said home/rest for the tonsils and he said they're naturally large but he was hopeful they'd shrink naturally as I got older, hence no need for removal.

    So yeah, the whole time I was ill, I had a bad sore throat and troubles swallowing. My tonsils wrre very ulcerated by the virus and still are, hence every single time I've ate in the past week or so food has became stuck there, lodged in the back of the tonsils and the area feeling very uncomfortable, and I've coughed up tonsil stones which I otherwise never do.

    Now all other signs of the infection seem to have gone.
    But I wasn't and still am not getting much sleep at night cos these throat symptoms keep me up in terror until I knacker myself to sleep at 3am ish hence I don't think I get enough sleep for my body to fight the infection.

    I still have sore tonsils etc. and the right side of my throat hurts every time I swallow, be it saliva, water, tea, food etc. Every morning I awake to a dry sore throat as well.

    What's everybody's opinions ?

    Now you may wonder why I've typed all that out but it was almost relaxing and good to write down my worries just before bed, hopefully someone will reply now LOL.
    "You are trying to do all the right things, just don't "battle" it out. Try and carry on with normal day to day things and don't shrink from your anxiety. Remember that's it's acceptance that brings recovery. If you've been in a bad place for so long then old habits die hard, but they do die."

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: Trouble Swallowing and 'lump in throat' for over week now, please help

    Hi Zman,

    sorry your not feeling so good, hope you feel better soon.

    I want to thank you for pin pointing out that your not getting enough sleep, thats explains why I still have the bad cough, got the cold again. my sleep pattern has gone. I need to get my sleep pattern back to normal, then the cough and cold will go away eventually. thanks. I thought I missed something out. thank you for making me aware of it.

    All things are possible.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Trouble Swallowing and 'lump in throat' for over week now, please help

    Quote Originally Posted by yvonne_uk_98 View Post
    Hi Zman,

    sorry your not feeling so good, hope you feel better soon.

    I want to thank you for pin pointing out that your not getting enough sleep, thats explains why I still have the bad cough, got the cold again. my sleep pattern has gone. I need to get my sleep pattern back to normal, then the cough and cold will go away eventually. thanks. I thought I missed something out. thank you for making me aware of it.

    Thank you Yvonne, your words are appreciated.

    Yeah, sleep and rest are major major factors, I made it worse by going in to work all last week and the like, our body's are desperate for and need more sleep than usual during these periods, because they need that time not just to rest, but now to also prepare for battle - go our bodies.
    "You are trying to do all the right things, just don't "battle" it out. Try and carry on with normal day to day things and don't shrink from your anxiety. Remember that's it's acceptance that brings recovery. If you've been in a bad place for so long then old habits die hard, but they do die."

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Trouble Swallowing and 'lump in throat' for over week now, please help

    Hi Zman, I wonder if youve got a virus? You say you were hot, and feeling nausea, and being out in the freezing cold for hours probably hasnt helped. Get some rest, drink plenty of fluids, and try paracetamol to reduce your temp if you still have one. I hope you feel better soon x

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