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Thread: Starting Sertraline in combo with Clonazepam

  1. #1

    Starting Sertraline in combo with Clonazepam

    Hello. I started Sertraline 4 days ago. I've had a script for it for a good few months, but never manage to get past a couple days, and then I quit. The first time I had an outing planned, and didn't want to be started a new med right before it, so I stopped.

    The second time I was sleepy and headachy, and, again, didn't feel like putting up with it.

    Third time's a charm?

    This time I'm starting out with a 1/2 does (25mg), with Clonazepam at night. I think the Clonazepam is helping me with the anxiety I have over taking the Sertraline in the first place, because I just couldn't do it before.

    Has anyone else started off this way?

  2. #2
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    Re: Starting Sertraline in combo with Clonazepam

    I did have some unpleasant side effects when I first started Olive and needed zopiclone to help with sleep for a while.

    As you say, third time lucky - stick with it if you can because I've found it helpful once it kicks in.

    Welcome to NMP

    Never Surrender, Comrade

  3. #3

    Re: Starting Sertraline in combo with Clonazepam

    Thanks for the response, and the welcome.

    I'm going to try to stick with it. My psych gave a "go off" a couple months out for me. Nothing severe, but something tangible, so I feel like I have an "out" or something. It might be kind of silly, but beyond having irrational anxiety, I have heightened fears of the medicines, too.

  4. #4

    Re: Starting Sertraline in combo with Clonazepam

    Hi Oliveoil. I have the same fear of taking meds. I'm also having to take Sertraline and started at 50mg but was terrified of the side effects because the one evening I woke up and felt I was on fire. My body was tingling and I had to stand in the freezing cold just to feel cool. It wore off after a while but terrified me so much I called my dr and she has now said to take 25mg for a bit and then build up. But I've had to come off them for a bit before I restart. I'm really frightened to start. I'm also afraid of side effects from meds. Any suggestions or advice that has helped you would be appreciated.

  5. #5

    Re: Starting Sertraline in combo with Clonazepam

    Hi Lisajf. What helped me was taking them at 1/2 dose. I take mine in the morning (remember better that way - just my preference). And I do think the Clonozepam is helping me. I think I'd be much more anxious without it. My psych actually had me go on those about a month ago. As needed, but I needed them more days than not. I think they knocked out my anxiety enough to stick with taking these pills for now. He told me to take them for 2 weeks while I start my meds, and then go of, tapering if needed.

    Any chance you could get another type of anti-anxiety while you start on your zoloft?

  6. #6

    Re: Starting Sertraline in combo with Clonazepam

    Hi Oliveoil. Yeah I've been building up the courage to start taking the meds again at half dose but also been wondering about speaking to my Dr about my fear of side effects because the thought of getting side effects has made me even more anxious. Perhaps she can give me me something to just take the edge of it my fear for now until I settle. I'm taking my first half dose tonight and hoping for the best.

  7. #7

    Re: Starting Sertraline in combo with Clonazepam

    Best wishes to you. I've been taking it for nearly a week. I'm guessing the Clonazepam is helping me, since I've been doing pretty good. I notice the obsessive thoughts are down a bit. Again, that could be the Clonazepam talking right now, but I think it has something also to do with the Sertraline.

    I'm willing to give it a go for a month or so, I'm really trying. For the sake of everyone who has to deal with me and for myself.

  8. #8

    Re: Starting Sertraline in combo with Clonazepam

    It's great you are doing okay for the past week on your meds. Well done. It's kinda one day at a time isn't it. I went to my Dr today to discuss my terror of side effects and she was great. She said to take 25mg for at least two weeks and increase very slowly. I also have diazepam to take when I need to although I'm holding off on those as much as I can which i suppose I should pat myself on the back for. I'm also making sure I'm taking care of myself the rest of the time. Relaxing music, time out for myself and doing the things I enjoy. I'm on my second day of Sertraline and I already feel it's effects but so far they are manageable.

    Good Luck Oliveoil and catch up soon. Hang in there.

  9. #9

    Re: Starting Sertraline in combo with Clonazepam

    I'm on Day 8(ish) now, and I think I'm supposed to actually go up to 50mg, but I'm hesitant. However, I haven't really had any terrible effects so far, except for a headache the first day or so. I'm a little tired, too-- harder time getting up. But I won't really know if that's the Sertraline or the Clonazepam until I ditch the latter.

    Still working up the nerve to take the full pill.

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