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Thread: Made redundant today - upset but trying to be positive

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: Made redundant today - upset but trying to be positive

    Hi Nicola

    What an awful shock. But remember redundancy IS NOT personal, it's just a number crunching game and many more of us will be effected in the months to come.

    I want to say - DONT PANIC but that;s a bit of a pun really isn't it??? sorry

    Take some time to think things through, you have a couple of weeks to wind things up with your current job and you can leave with some pride, this will be the just the start of a rocky time for your current company. In a way they have done you a favour. Having to turn up every day and wonder when its your turn would not do you any good at all.
    I remember tough times in the early 90's and can remember that anxiety only too well.

    You are having a little pay out which give you a little time to research your options fully.

    Sweetie as the others have said this will all work out in time but I know it won't feel that way just now.

    Try and do some nice things over the weekend and you will come to terms with this and be able to look forward.

    So you suffer from anxiety and it effects your life but it also makes you a very kind, caring person and something good will come of this.

    Take good care of yourself - its only a job at the end of the dayxxx

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Made redundant today - upset but trying to be positive

    To Nicola, Sorry about your redundacyI'm sure something will come your way.You always give such good advice to us all. Sorry I cannot help about benefits or such like. Take care XX

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Made redundant today - upset but trying to be positive

    Nic, so sorry to hear about this. As others have said, do try to put this in the back of your mind for the time you have remaining with the job. Fortunately, the severance package does allow you some breathing space to think about your next move and I am sure you will find the right thing.

    It may be a bit much right now, trying to think of what to do after the first of the month as you are still processing the redundancy. Give yourself a chance to breathe and once the initial shock is behind you, it'll be much easier to begin weighing your options. Hugs and loads of good thoughts and prayers for you in the interim.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Re: Made redundant today - upset but trying to be positive

    Hi Nicola

    "Nil desperandum" as they say - it will all come good in the end you know.

    In 12 months time you might be saying it was the best thing that every happened to you.

    Try and have a nice weekend and not to worry about it too much. Keep positive and when you are ready to think about what you would like to do in the future - you might just find it a little bit exciting!!!!

    I had to reorganise my working life to accomodate my family and my health issues and I can honestly say that going self employed was one of the best things I ever did - freedom, flexibility and fun! (Oh, ok then, I admit some days are absolute pigs but hey when I was employed there were lots of days like that.............)

    Take care (PM me if you want any advice about going it alone).

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: Made redundant today - upset but trying to be positive

    Hi Nic,

    So sorry to hear about that....just not fair is it?? Someone who helps others so must be gutted.

    You just have to take one day at a time until you are ready to seek other work out and am sure you will be successful.


  6. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Made redundant today - upset but trying to be positive

    Hi Nic,

    So sorry to hear your news, it must have been a shock, all I can do is agree with everything the others have said, take some time to digest, be kind to yourself. I am sure it will all work out in the end.


  7. #17
    Join Date
    May 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Made redundant today - upset but trying to be positive

    Oh no Nic...
    I’m so sorry to hear that

    I’m glad that you’re trying to be positive about it. As wise Ditzy said – try not to take it personally. I’m afraid that’s what I did (and still am doing), and almost 5 years on, reading this still makes me angry thinking about it.

    At least you had a reasonable payoff. I found out how it’s calculated and we got paid the bare minimum. It was even calculated to the exact penny, and as the wage was low, the payout was pathetic. And that was all the gratitude I got for almost 30 years service and helping him to an early retirement!

    Stop it Nigel!!!
    This is Nic’s thread.

    OK... just off to stick another pin in the effigy!

    “I have no idea about benefits and what I can and can't get...”

    It might be worth having a word with CAB about that. I’m sure things will work out for you. You’re the sort of person who makes things happen

    “I am upset and in a bit of shock and the future does look a bit scarey at the moment.”

    Suppose it is scary... for the time being it might mean spending more time on here with us lot!

    Have another hug...

  8. #18
    KK77's Avatar
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    Re: Made redundant today - upset but trying to be positive

    Once you get over the shock I'm sure you'll see things differently Nic. I hope this opens new doors and opportunities for you.


    Never Surrender, Comrade

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Made redundant today - upset but trying to be positive

    Oh, I'm so sorry to read this. The "change management" curve shows that people go through all stages when something like this happens: shock, anger, denial etc until the final stage of acceptance. You must still be in shock as this has come from nowhere, so look after yourself and don't make any big decisions just yet.

    You are a wonderful person with lots of tranferrable skills, when the time is right you can make the changes you need I'm sure.

    Take care.x

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Made redundant today - upset but trying to be positive

    Hi Nic

    So very sorry to hear your news regarding your job.

    I do so hope that you find something else that suits you.

    Best wishes.

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