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Thread: ANy idas on stomach & chest

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    ANy idas on stomach & chest

    Ok - this may have an obvious answer but i want to check

    Firstly i have only been to the toilet once in the last 5 days,today being the 1st. I have severe stomach cramps like someone is pulling a belt round my stomach

    2nd - about 40 mins ago i got an awful shooting / gripping pain on the left side of my chest where your heart is and is happening now every few minutes which i have no idea what it is

    3rd - checked BP as it has ben high for a week or so but just now it was 138/90!!

    Does anyone have any idea if its a heart problem / IBS or something else - thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Re: ANy idas on stomach & chest

    ok - BP just jumped to 152/110 then straight after 157/88!!!!!!! so confused

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Re: ANy idas on stomach & chest

    Well, I would guess that your BP is rising because you're thinking about it - it has a habit of doing this, unfortunately.

    As for your tum, it sounds to me as though you're constipated, particularly if you've only been once in 5 days. Constipation can cause all sorts of stomach pains, as your system gets backed up with what it can't get rid of. It can also cause headaches as well, I've found.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Re: ANy idas on stomach & chest

    thanks BP back o 144/86

    have got hot water bottle on chest while lying on floor to ease it but now have a dry mouth too

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: ANy idas on stomach & chest

    Sorry hun but you really need to try and stop checking your BP like this.

    It looks like you are taking it less than every half an hour..a hospital wouldn't do it that much!

    Shooting pains in the heart region are usually harmless contractions of the muscles in that area, nothing more..I get them too quite regularly.

    They are not the signs of an imminent heart attack if that's what you are worried about.
    We will NEVER surrender comrade, remember always..actions speak louder than words!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Re: ANy idas on stomach & chest

    thanks ladybird - i had no internet yesterday so was even worse :(

    I have now been to the toilet several times but i still have the pains (had a drink or two last night of blue WKD as i know i always go to the toilet then)

    My chest is equally as bad today as is stomach and stabbing pain in back where my bra would clasp but i am unsure if this is from the alcohol??

    Why can these awful symptoms not just leave me alone

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Re: ANy idas on stomach & chest

    i suffer wit a range of different symptoms they come and then go when i think of something new. for example i have flitted from worryig clout my breathing to worrying clout tiredness to worrying about my arms.
    what i mean is they will not go cos you won't let them. (foot mean that harsh cos i do the same)
    try and think of somethin else. it will go x

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Re: ANy idas on stomach & chest

    thanks i am trying my hardest

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