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Thread: Panic attack triggered by alcohol or DT's triggered by lack of alcohol?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Panic attack triggered by alcohol or DT's triggered by lack of alcohol?

    Pasted from somewhere else... your opnions greatly valued....

    I am experiencing shortness of breath / anxiety attacks the day after I have drunk. This is like clockwork, and hits hardest in the evening. I had a small bout of anxiety between ages 6 and 8 that passed and nothing was diagnosed or pinpointed as a trigger so this characteristic is in my system. It has returned now though and after a coupe of years of me monitoring it there is a definite link to alcohol. i.e. It will NEVER EVER happen when I am under the influence, but it will 80% happen the day after when the alcohol is leaving my system. I have put myself into situations to learn all about this and know exactly how to control it. I can deal with it fine on my own but being in a confined space or with others makes it worse. I fidget and can’t seem to keep still for long. The sensation is a bit like if you are out of breath from exercise but suddenly breathe as if you’re resting – it feels like you are not getting enough oxygen. Ironically doing exercise helps because it restores a natural breathing rhythm. The main issue for me is others finding out about it, and that thought scares me and makes the situation much worse. Pathetic, as I am worrying about nothing in particular. I know it is in my mind as usually if I leave the place from where it begins, it is relieved. Now this in my eyes is either a genuine anxiety attack not linked to but triggered by alcohol or it is some form of withdrawal from when I drink or delirium tremens. Very hard to call which though – any thoughts or similar experience?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: Panic attack triggered by alcohol or DT's triggered by lack of alcohol?

    Hi there

    I am really interested in your post as sometimes I suffer exactly the same. Alcohol is a BIG depressant and when coupled with Anxiety/Panic/Depression can cause "downers" for days.

    I can speak from experience as I am an very heavy drinker and have had to seriously cut down to stop me from going completely mad!! The anxiety in my opinion is definately caused by the alcohol

    Please let me know if you want to chat about this.

    Jackie xx

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: Panic attack triggered by alcohol or DT's triggered by lack of alcohol?

    Lets chat. What confuses me is searching wikipedia, it seems the attacks are a form of alcohol withdrawel or panic disorder excarbeated by alcohol. Panic attacks cant be fatal, but alcohol withdrawel can be. So can a panic attac born out of alcohol withdrawel be fatal?

  4. #4

    Re: Panic attack triggered by alcohol or DT's triggered by lack of alcohol?

    Hi. My anxiety (sometimes full on panic attacks) seem to all stem from alcohol. I'm not a heavy drinker, more of a binge drinker. Nothing all week then a good drink on a Fri or Sat night. Its always the day after that i have a bad turn. As the alcohol leaves my system during the day i get nervous,fidgety, restless,hyper. I have a feeling of de-realisation so much that if i sit down for a couple of minutes i feel like im going to lose my mind. The only way i can suppress it is by keeping myself busy.

    I really annoys me cos i enjoy socialising and drinking and i dont want to give up enjoying a bottle of wine on a Sat night.

    I'm only 32 and this has only been effecting me over the past 6months

    Id also like to hear other peoples views

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: Panic attack triggered by alcohol or DT's triggered by lack of alcohol?

    Hi there

    I have been a heavy drinker for about 3 years now. I have always drunk about 3-4 glasses of wine per night, and I think this does catch up with me after a time.

    Alcohol definately brings my anxiety/depression on. For instance, I have cut down this week and only allowed myself a small glass of wine per night which is 2 units and well within the recommended guidelines. Last night I went out and had 4 glasses and have woken up this morning with a bit of anxiety.

    The thing is I enjoy socialising as well, however, it looks like I may have to "sip" to make by 1 glass last!

    Jackie xx

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Panic attack triggered by alcohol or DT's triggered by lack of alcohol?

    Quote Originally Posted by jackie13 View Post
    Hi there

    I have always drunk about 3-4 glasses of wine per night, and I think this does catch up with me after a time.

    Jackie xx
    You got me worried now lol I can do a bottle of wine just cooking dinner.

    You will have to be going some for it to be withdrawal. My mother was a chronic alcoholic for years when I was growing up, in the end she had to be treated under medical supervision but she drank spirits and in large volumes (and she was only small).

    There is loads of debate lately about drinking, and I am not sure where I am with it all. Technically, I am probably off the scale with the units I drink in a week (could drink 90 units a week before I know it) but I go gym, run a company, and if I ever was staggering around incapacitated, or my life was falling apart around me while I just drank I would probably take immediate action.

    It must be in the back of my mind though, because recently I keep dwelling on what damage it could be doing.

    In the mornings I can feel a little shaky with anxiety if I have had too much, but it seems to pass quickly, but to get DT's I really think you would have to be putting vodka on your cornflakes.

    If I could suss this poll thing out I might do a post on how many units people drink out of interest.

    In my defense though, I thought a bottle of wine counted as one of your 5 a day

  7. #7

    Re: Panic attack triggered by alcohol or DT's triggered by lack of alcohol?

    I'm an alcoholic, have been for at least 18 years, and I am still confused why I get anxiety attacks/panic attacks - it is probably the alcohol having read this thread. I have received treatment, firstly for alcoholism and then the anxiety. I started off with 12 x 192mg Hemeneverin (Clomethiazole). These days, you are not to use this drug for more than 9 days, I am now on 6 capsules per day 18 years later.

    Eventually I was diagnosed with General Anxiety Disorder, and more recently as Bi-Polar.

    I nearly always run out of my meds after 5 days (7 day script) and it is then that I crave alcohol...I use it to self-medicate. I drink throughout the day, mostly at home, alone. The following day I become really agitated and anxious and as I know aqlcohol will temporary relieve this, I am back to drinking the whole day again!

    Occasionally, I buy valium online (My GP will not prescribe it). I use this only on the 2 days I have no clomethiazole.

    Clomethiazole is extremely efective at alcohol withdrawal. Unfortunately, I was stabbed whilst asleep when trying this, which left me with terrible nightmares, anxiety and full blown panic attacks - the clomethiazole is excellent at teating these disorders, BUT, it is highly addictive.

    It's also very difficult to obtain (Up here in Warrington, only 2 chemists supply it). I don't know if any GPs will prescribe it, but I would ask. I have no will power and I am weak. That is why I am still on them, however, I have just been prescribed seroquel. This will hopefully help with both the bi-polar and the anxiety. My long term target is to come off the clomethiazole and never drink again. I wish

    Good luck to you all. Alcohol is great in small quantities ... I wish I thought this when I was younger.

  8. #8

    Re: Panic attack triggered by alcohol or DT's triggered by lack of alcohol?

    Sorry if I'm dragging up an old thread. But this forum came up on a google search when I was looking to see what I can do about my Clomethiazole use.

    I was put onto Clomethiazole about 5 years ago, firstly to combat alcohol withdrawal, and then continued with as it was providing a far better solution to my general anxiety problems.

    I have continued to take 4*192mg since then, and mostly to the disgust of subsequent GPs who mostly haven't agreed with the originals GPs preference of "you can stay on them all your life if it gives you a good quality of life".

    There is no doubt these things are addictive. I will move heaven, earth and work to ensure my repeat prescription is in on time and that the chemist has plenty of notice so I can collect (they are not an easy product to source either). Trying to remove one tablet a day from my regime is a tough call - but can be done if I'm actively and happily busy (a rare thing).

    During my time with the drug, on it's own and medically managed, it's a good solution. However, if taken in conjunction with drinking heavily - it's extremely dangerous. I've been winning the majority of battles of alcoholism over the years, but when I don't, the alcohol combined with clomethiazole is a bad mixture. I can sleep for days, my liver is unable to process the booze - so I stay drunk for days instead of hours, it effectively slows the processing of alcohol in the body and makes you drunk in a longer and more concentrated way.

    Withdrawing from these binges - Clomethiazole has been massively effective. But it's stupidly stupid to be taken them at the same time if I've lost the good fight and I've fallen off the wagon.

    If I could find somewhere that sold these online, I would have bought a stock by now; but probably a good idea there isn't, as I can't see self-medicating with these is ever going to be a good idea. But hey, they're addictive, and if you can't stop the boozing, then a prescribed addictive drug isn't going to be easy to dump either.

    If I had a choice of stopping with no effects, or an easy way to step them down I think would. But as that's not the case, I'm quite happy to stay on these little buggers for as long as I can get them. Partially because it's an addictive substance, but mostly because indeed my quality of life has vastly improved since I was prescribed them.

    It was nice to read that other people are in a similar boat to me. Well perhaps nice isn't the right word; but I don't feel so alone in this situation of alcoholic trying not to practice - but stuck on this archaic Keith Moon suicidal drug of choice Chlomethiazole. Dunno if my view throw into the mix helps anyone; but would like to be able to discuss this further with other users.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Re: Panic attack triggered by alcohol or DT's triggered by lack of alcohol?

    Hi Hemmy.
    God am i so shocked and surprised to hear that heminevrin are still being prescribed in 2011, i`m gobsmacked to know that as i was told that they were no longer being used to treat outpatients - especially regarding alcohol or anxiety.
    I was on them back in the mid to late 90`s for quite some years. I drank to deal with anxiety/panic etc then was eventually given these capsules, 6x192mg per day and would be given a months supply at a time. The first time i took them i was hooked, felt like a triple vodka within a couple of minutes and a sort of ecstatic fast relax would hit me.
    I too often drank with them and lost count of how many times i would take quite a few whilst drinking only to find myself wake up having been asleep for a couple of days as a result. Was picked up barely concious laying in the street many times and had the police bring me home.
    I overdosed on them many times and ended up in a coma once because of taking so many and woke up in a hospital bed many times.
    Can`t believe i was able to get them on script after all this and eventually i did try and kill myself on them and was found in the street where the paramedics had to restart my heart on the spot and urgently get me into life support at hospital.
    These hemmies were so addictive and i used and abused them like mad as they took so much anxiety away.
    Was taken off of them then given diazepam and similar things happens, is a long story so eventually got off of them myself now my GP won`t give me anything more than an anti-depressant to cope and right now my life is hell.
    My ex of 4 years dumped me recently and i`ve had to move back 160 miles to my mums house. My anxiety, panic and agoraphobia is at it`s all time worst and i`m now drinking trying to cope and if i had the chance would no doubt take heminevrin again because i know they are so good but also can be fatal.
    Would not recommend buying them online at all, no way as they`re likely to be dangerous fakes.
    Feel free to mail me and like i said i`m really surprised you can still get these things but i`d hate to think that you could end up in a bad way when it`s time to get off of them, was hell for me, literally. Was like a junkie going cold turkey, diazepam were nothing in comparrison to what heminevrin gave but i guess i`m glad that i`m no longer taking any of them in reality as was hell to get through the withdrawals and addiction.

  10. #10

    Re: Panic attack triggered by alcohol or DT's triggered by lack of alcohol?

    I had my first attack on holiday on a small Greek Island 5 years ago. I had a stressful job and threw myself in to the alcohol when I arrived. After a week it felt like I was having a heart attack and had to be shipped to the mainalnd for tests and was finally sedated. It came as no surprise that the results were clear and it was down to stress and the booze. That didn't help me for the second week of my holiday and I found the alcohol was the only way to stop the attacks happening again, mainly at night when I was trying to get to sleep. After a nightmare journey home I tried a couple of different courses of tablets to suppress my problems, which eventually worked but I stopped drinking for over a year. I weaned my way off the tablets and started drinking again in moderation but over the last 12 months have started boozing heavily again at weekends. This has come with a price as last Xmas I had terrible panic attacks and headaches and the feeling of having a heart attack again. I've had the odd blip over the last few years but this was back big style. I've got myself back together again but wanted to test myself last weekend. Went out, drank lots, couldn't sleep for 2 days and the symptoms returned. I'm at a cross roads with the booze - give it up for good but lose my social life or take it on the chin and suffer the consequences. Tough call and one I'll make after this weekend where I'm staying in and staying sober!

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