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Thread: Mebeverine (colofac)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Mebeverine (colofac)


    I've just started taking mebeverine to help with my IBS. I was wondering if anyone else has had any success with this medication? My main symptoms are bloating after meals and diarrhoea (especially when I am stressed). I've taken three tablets so far and can't really see any improvement yet.


    Laura x

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Re: Mebeverine (colofac)


    I tried Meb for my IBS and to be honest they didn't help at all. However, I have a friend who takes them and finds them really good, so it just proves it really is an individual thing.

    K xxx

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: Mebeverine (colofac)

    They arent very effective for me either .I take Buscopan ,but it is a trial and error thing with most of the IBS drugs .It can sometime s be a few days before you notice any difference .Gd luck with them ..Sue x

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Re: Mebeverine (colofac)

    I got prescribed these many years ago , they wasn,t a magic bullet but i,d guess ? its hard to know how usefull they are , they might cut the symtoms down by 50 % but if you still have symtoms you could say they don,t work if you know what a mean . My ibs was chronic for 6-8 months but it all but dissapeared over time and i,m fine for most of the time now and have been for 18 years , so there is hope that you are not stuck with it forever . A very bland diet for months seemed to get rid of mine . At one stage everything i ate caused severve pain and the two bob bits !
    Hope it settles down soon.



  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: Mebeverine (colofac)

    Thanks everyone for your replies

    I finally seem to be having some success with these tablets. The feelings of urgency I was getting have reduced a lot and I am now not so bloated after eating. The terrible diarrhoea that accompanied my panic attacks / being nervous is also much improved. I feel like I have some confidence back at last!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: Mebeverine (colofac)

    I had some sucess but not until id been on them for a good few weeks

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