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Thread: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome confirmed

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Re: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome confirmed

    Hi Paula
    so sorry to hear you are having awful time

    dont think it will hurt to keep splints on when typing etc .... but it cant hurt either to give hands a break at bedtime. is it both hands ?

    just want to send hug and empathy .........our hands do so much ......and it must feel very restricting .
    stay strong love x

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome confirmed

    Hi Nicky, its not the carpal tunnel thats bothering me, its the raised wbc. I will see my gp this week for a chat, and ask for a repeat test. Thanks for being there.x

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Re: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome confirmed

    Hi Paula

    I just had a bit of a google for you. I have had a high white blood cell count previously and they didn't even do anything about it! Taking out the scare-mongering options, this is what is left, look how many could apply to you:

    • Infection
    • Inflammation
    • Trauma
    • Tissue damage (from burns)
    • Use of certain medications, such as corticosteroids, antibiotics or anti-seizure drugs
    • Allergy
    • Intense exercise
    • Severe physical or emotional stress

    iNFECTION could be viral or bacterial i think, sometimes we are fighting these things off without even realising... emotional stress, um yes i think so again our little white army are fighting. perhaps ask your doctor if it could have any relation to the carpal tunnel and the stress this is putting on your body?

    Thinking of you Paula, waiting for a fbc results too and it's making me a bit angsty!

    Lots of hugs coming your way missy x x x x
    can't even go the nuthouse cause she's allergic to it!!

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome confirmed

    OOOh THANKS Amber x Seeing it like that gives me time for a deep breath to see how it may fit. Looking at the list, it may be stress. Im worried that its some sort of infection or inflammation though, I mean, I feel ok, is something deadly lurking in my body??? AHHH Im doing it again.......hahah. Going to ring docs now and get that repeat test sorted. WE are the angsty club then missus....some days its just not worth getting out of bed! Thanks for the hugs, your timing is perfect x
    Let me know how your results go ok x

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome confirmed

    Just rung Gp, having bloods taken 10.45 Wednesday, less time to worry myself to death and have a nervous breakdown! Thanks to my friends who are helping me through this time, I appreciate you all x

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Re: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome confirmed

    Yay I am glad you are having the re-test so soon Paula. That's only two sleeps away which will soon fly by, do you have any plans for the next couple of days?

    By the way did you go to the fancy dress party??

    Naughty Paula thinking there is something lurking. We convince ourselves we can *feel* something bad.. but i think what we can feel is our nerves playing up in our bodies making us feel all sorts of dread and strange sensations and making us "feel different"... but it's just that nasty apprehension...

    Always here for you x x x
    can't even go the nuthouse cause she's allergic to it!!

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome confirmed

    Im going to clean up my bogging house and do some weeding x
    I DID go to the was great! Not a wobble! But too much vodka....threw up in an 18th century urn outside...then ran upstairs and carried on dancing! Hahaha. 2 other Madonnas there, but I was CLEARLY the best...hahahah. It was great, but thats me for at least a month now...forgot how expensive things are...drinks for 3 and £30 for the taxi.....still...I did it! My hubby was great..he said wed stay for half an hour and see how I that didnt make me feel trapped, I felt I had a choice. Stayed out for 6 hours! Dont think me and MR SMIRNOFF will be talking for a while though! x

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Re: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome confirmed

    hi Paula

    just in so sorry havent replied before xx

    yes ...........inflammation as we know can increase WBC counts ...........and your carpal tunnel in hands is bound to affect the count in your body I would think.
    if the wbc was very high .your doc would have you in very quickly and investigate with other esr blood tests etc .
    god I know the fear that grips us ..............please dont fret Paula ............get your nurse hat on my love and see it for what it is .
    a wee virus or more likely tablet related or inflammatory response to your carpel tunnel .
    hug xxxxx

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome confirmed

    Thanks Nicky, maybe it is inflammatory regarding the carpel tunnel. Thanks so much x

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