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Thread: Globus Hystericus Or A Throat Problem

  1. #81
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Re: Globus Hystericus Or A Throat Problem

    Quote Originally Posted by yorkshireguy View Post
    I am just wondering whether a symptoms i have had for a few weeks now is Globus Hystericus or a throat problem/condition...........I have had this for a few weeks but it feels like it is getting worse, firstly it feels like there is something stuck in my throat, everytime i swallow it feels as though something is there, i seem to be able to drink/eat properly without too many problems, obviously if it was life-threatening or something serious i wouldn't be able to swallow food/drink.

    It feels terrible, also it feels like someone has their hand on my throat the majority of the time and it feels as though there is a lot of phelgm in my throat or something.

    Now i went to see a doctor about it over 4 weeks ago and they said i had enlarged tonsils, i saw another doctor about it a week later and they said it was due to my tonsils being large, they went down in size but recently have quite a little bit large again but my throat is not sore at all..........the thing is i cannot see the enlarged tonsils causing this problem, i keep thinking it must be something serious.

    I thought about acid reflux but the thing is i don't suffer with heartburn so i guess that rule's that problem out, unless it's something more serious than that, sometime's i think could it be throat cancer..........etc etc.

    I am very concerned about it, it's a symptom which is annoying me severely and i feel like it is affecting my quality of life, i have heard about globus hystericus before but what is it exactly? and what can it make you feel like?

    The thing is i have this problem from the minute i wake up until the moment i go to sleep so it's something that never seem's to go i just wanted some opinion's on this matter.

    Hi,only this week I have been to the hospital for the old camera down the throat job.I was experiancing exact same syptoms as you describe.AWFUL.!!! Anyway following both blood tests and a biopsy,it,s been determined that this is caused by excess acid,although I might add ,I didn,t have either indigestion or heartburn.I have been prescribed Lansoprazole 30g for 1 month after which I will return to the hospital to see if there,s any change.
    I was rather worried it would be true to say,but feel better for having it checked out properly.

  2. #82

    Re: Globus Hystericus Or A Throat Problem

    i have had this issue for 8 years and its really changed me as a person. I used to be a DJ and only got this problem just before i started each gig, a few pints of beer and i was good to go,it kinda relaxed me. I gave up the DJ'ing 5 years ago and thought that would be the end of my throat problem.

    i have been to doctors, been told its post nasal drip, reflux, anxiety, had camera's down my throat, had one of those barium swallow liquid x-rays, i have had it all.

    I feel genuinely sorry for anyone that has this problem because it certainly affects my life.

    I should mention i am asthmatic and this seems to be a re-occurring theme around the net, People with asthma seem to be more affected by this. which leads me to believe its a manifestation of a number of things

    it could be either reflux, brought on by steriod drugs

    an allergy to something, whether it be food or something else, lets face it us asthmatics are allergic to a lot of things

    worry or anxiety, another thing connected with Astmatics

    all these things but in all the time i have had this i still cannot put my finger on it

    I can say now though the only thing i have found that has helped it is a sweet lozenger sold here in the UK, known as Fishermans friends.

    i found this myself, it doesn't cure it, they taste horrible, but they do help a lot

    since finding that this lozenger helps, i have found a lot of other people around the net that use the same lozenger

    people are right though about doctors, they haven't a clue about this, my GP says its anxiety, i myself i don't know. what i do know is it makes me very unhappy

  3. #83

    Re: Globus Hystericus Or A Throat Problem

    I have a 17 year old son he was having chest pains starting Apr. 2011 Then a few months ago he was having a feeling of something stuck in his throat and feeling hot liquid coming up. I brought him to a gastroenterologist and he had an endoscopy that and was told he had only minimal damage, so the dr. said he has globus. Is there any test to prove his theory? He's been on lansaprazole for a few months already and it only go a little better. Also the chest pain now comes less often.
    Any suggestions would be appreciated!

  4. #84
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Re: Globus Hystericus Or A Throat Problem

    Hello Charlie,

    I was in a similar situation last year and had an endoscopy in March 2012 which found that I had a hiatus hernia and some incidences of GERD (acid reflux) in my oesophagus but, thankfully, nothing worse. I was told to cut down on the fizzy drinks and alcohol, and take Lansaprazole.

    However, while I also saw some minor improvements with the Lansaprazole, this did not really deal with the underlying cause and so the globus persisted, the underlying cause being anxiety. As such, I've not found a 'test' for globus - as far as I am aware it is a trick of the mind as it is only noticeable for me if I have woken up anxious about something.

    I'm trying hard to work on mindfullness and accepting my anxiety, and not avoiding things in life, in the hope that, one day, the globus will not be there - or at least it will have diminished.

    Does your son come across as a worrisome person? When your doctor mentioned globus, did he also mention anxiety or a possible psychological cause? I could be completely in the wrong here but obviously I can only mention my (similar) experience.

    Hope whatever is happening with your son gets sorted soon. Regards from across the Pond,

  5. #85

    Re: Globus Hystericus Or A Throat Problem

    Check into LPR...this is what I've been diagnosed with though I'm still searching to see if it's the correct diagnosis.

    Laryngopharyngeal Reflux Disease (LPR) - it's also called "silent reflux" because you don't experience the typical reflux symptoms, mainly heartburn.

    I've had the globus sensation for several months and an ENT scoped my throat and found slight irritation (this after only a few days of the problem) - he immediately prescribed a PPI which I had to stop taking after two days due to really horribly side effects (terribly joint, bone pain). I gave up for a while thinking it was stress-related...and some days are better than others. But then I got scared reading about throat and esophageal cancer...

    Now, I've read about Dr. Koufman, and I'm currently on day 9 of her induction diet to drop acid. I can't post links yet, but google her and you'll also find links to her book, "Dropping Acid."

    Yesterday was the first day where I felt no globus! Today, it came back slightly but still much, much better though I've still got the mucus sensation.

    In any case, updates would be great as I see this thread was begun back in 2008...I'd be curious to see how everyone is faring...I honestly thought my symptoms WERE due to anxiety, and maybe they are. I have to find a new doc as we've just moved halfway across the country to really delve into this further...

    Best of luck to everyone!

  6. #86
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Re: Globus Hystericus Or A Throat Problem

    hi there, I really hope this works for you! I would also love to hear updates from others, as I still have this all day every day.
    it would be nice to think there is an end in sight.x

  7. #87

    Re: Globus Hystericus Or A Throat Problem

    I am suffering with the lump in the throat feeling too. It's horrible isn't it? I know it's an anxiety thing as it comes and goes but seems to be worse at the end of the day when tired. Recent blood tests show that I have an iron deficiency and I have just started taking iron tablets but don't know if the two are related. Have you had any luck in relieving the feeling? Any tips would be much appreciated.

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