Quote Originally Posted by Tyke View Post
I know just how you feel Kate, but you will probably feel a bit better once you get there and get started. You would be unlucky to get this aggressive man again as he is obviously not a regular and even if he did turn up, couldn't you go straight to the manager and let him deal with it? That is what they are paid for.

Any exercise you can get will be good for you (swimming is excellent). Try to do this regularly as it will help you. I always note how far I am through a shift at intervals and tell myself how well I have coped, especially once I'm over half way through. The time does go quicker when you are busy, so try and get engrossed in what you are doing to help the time pass.

Once the Citalopram kicks in things should get a little easier, just hang on in there.

Thankyou Tyke, you were right it wasn't as bad once I was there It never is, i just get so worked up before.
I also took your advice and had a cup of tea every few hours for a few mintues and tell myself i'm ok.
Just the waiting game now for the citalopram I guess.
thanks so much for the support guys! x