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Thread: Best way to come off of 10mg Citalopram?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Best way to come off of 10mg Citalopram?

    Newbie to the forums. Would just like to ask from other people's experences the best way to come off of 10mg citalopram after 6 months. My doctor said you can come off over a period of just two weeks by taking a tablet every other day. From people who have taken 10mg citalopram for 6 months is this okay with least withdrawl effects. I have been taking them now for six weeks and the first week was hell.

    Also is it alright to take Nytol fairly regularly with 10mg citalopram as sometimes i have big difficulties in getting any sleep. Also most of the time i feel okay on 10mg citalopram when i can sleep but sometimes i still feel a little low. Any opinions would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: Best way to come off of 10mg Citalopram?

    Alternating doses is not the best way to come off these .I would suggest you cut down to 5mg Half a tab for a week and see how you are feeling .When you feel ok and have felt fine for 5days ,cut down again to nothing .It will then take time to adjust and around the 4 week mark you should be ok .It is normal to feel a bit low as you withdraw .It doesnt mean you are having a relapse .Get plenty of sleep and excecise and eat healthy food .Its also wise to drink plenty of water based drinks .The Nytol is safe to take ..Good luck .Sue x

    Would like to add, it has taken me at least a month to feel ok on cutting my dose down by 5mg a time .Its got harder the lower my dose has got .Dont cut down again until you feel well .Or you may try cuttin the last 5mg in half before you go down to nothing .I know i intend to do that ..We all react differently as it affects our brain chemistry .You may find you feel ok after a few days .Post again if you need any help or support .Sue x
    Last edited by suzy-sue; 06-06-11 at 22:29. Reason: added something

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    , , Australia.

    Re: Best way to come off of 10mg Citalopram?

    Everyone will say I'm wrong but I got off my meds by halving the dose for 2 weeks and then stopping completely.Yes I had head spins for a week or two but it wasn't bad enough to stop me going to work.
    I've been off em for a year now and don't miss em.
    Don't believe everything you think.

    Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.

  4. #4

    Re: Best way to come off of 10mg Citalopram?

    i know when coming off any anti depressent it takes time for your body to re adjust even only after a few weeks..if you can go every other day and then every two days etc week by week then i think it wont be to bad..but you still get the odd weird sensation like pins & needles, headaches etc for around 4 weeks after coming off them..hope that helps.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: Best way to come off of 10mg Citalopram?

    I agree with Sue, given the choice of alternating or just dropping to 5mg I'd rather drop down to 5mg for a little while. You can get Citalopram in 5mg tablets or as suggested you can half the tablet if it's not one of those tiny round ones. Just to put your mind at rest quite a number of people here have cut down from higher doses to nothing and although they had some side effects it was not the end of the world. You just need to remember that any odd feelings or side effects for the first couple of weeks are just withdrawal symptoms and are nothing to stress about.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: Best way to come off of 10mg Citalopram?

    Thank you very much for all your replies. It's all new to me and it's the first time i have ever taken citalopram or any anti depressant. I did ask my doctor when it is time to come off it was there a 5mg tablet and he told me no. The 10mg tablet i have been given is indeed very small and round would be quite difficult to cut. I don't mind saying i am dreading coming off cit because of all the horrible side effects i had in the first week of taking them( i needed to take time off work) and because i am in a very busy job and don't want to take any more time off sick.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: Best way to come off of 10mg Citalopram?

    I cut my pills with a stanley blade .You can also buy pill cutters in the chemist .Its also easy to bite them in half .You will find it better to cut down by 5mg as this will not give you such severe withdrwals .All the best Sue x

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: Best way to come off of 10mg Citalopram?

    I have been on Cit for two years and have been weaning myself off 20 mgs since January. I went from 20 to 15 then to 10 and then 5. Stay on each dose as long as you feel you need to then cut down to the next level. I have been completely off them for 12 days now. I have been feeling a bit low the last few days and slightly light headed which worried me a bit but I take comfort from Suzie's experience that it will take a few weeks to feel OK.

  9. #9

    Re: Best way to come off of 10mg Citalopram?

    I am new to this site, I've been looking all over the internet for someone that had a similar story to mine. I have been cutting back on my CIT every 2 week down 5mg I am now down to 5mg. I am not sure where to go from here so i cut the 5mg in half meaning I am taking 2.5mg. After you got to the 5mg what did you do??

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2015

    Re: Best way to come off of 10mg Citalopram?

    Can I ask why you are coming off citalopram after only 6 months, especially if you are "dreading coming off it"?

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