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Thread: 15mg to 30mg

  1. #1

    15mg to 30mg

    Hi all
    Having been on 15mg for 8 weeks i upped my dose to 30mg and have been on it for just over 3 weeks, am i right in thinking that it will take up to and over 4 weeks to see an improvement?
    I suppose it's like starting again and your body has to get used to it all over again, it does tend to knock me out though, it got better on 15mg the sedation that is, i hope that it levels off soon though as feel a certain amount of trepidation at doing normal things.
    Good luck everyone.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: 15mg to 30mg

    Hi Kite66,

    You are does take around 4 weeks to see an improvement though you may see it before that, gradually!!!

    I found going from 15-30mg not too bad at all in any side effects, I did feel a little extra drowsy first thing for a couple of days but nothing more than that. I also found that I slept just as well on 30mg (most people say 15mg is more sedating).

    30-45mg is surposed to be a thereputic level.

    Good luck with the increase!!


  3. #3

    Re: 15mg to 30mg

    Well i shall stick with it, feeling anxious and a bit down just not sure if it's just me or the increase and getting use to it again. fingers crossed though, it will be 4 weeks next Wednesday.....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: 15mg to 30mg

    Everyone is different Kite....but I am sure that you will benefit from the increased dose. I remember feeling down etc when I first went up to 30mg but it did go away and I felt really well....hang on in there.


  5. #5

    Re: 15mg to 30mg

    Thanks Jo, a positive vibe that made me smile, thanks again

    Paul ;-)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: 15mg to 30mg

    I have been on mirtazapine for a week now at 15mg. When my GP prescribed this she said that after a week I should go on to 30mg. This seems very early to me - especially as I read on here that most people stay on the lower dose for several weeks before they increase. In fact some seem to be happy on 15mg long term. It seems a bit daft to me to increase now until I'm settled on the lower dose

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: 15mg to 30mg

    Hi Belle,

    I was on 15mg for around 4 weeks before then starting to nose dive a little and went up to 30mg for a few months. I went back to 15mg as soon as I could as I found for me along with the pregabalin I take that is enough for me.

    I wish you success with this med....did you start and stop and then start again??? Just curious....(thought it was you I read in posts).


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: 15mg to 30mg

    Yes, that was me Jo I over-analyzed the whole thing and scared myself off the med! Then I went into a bit of a dip and I've been back on it 9 days now with no troublesome side effects to speak of. I had a severe increase in anxiety and a major panic attack for a couple of hours two days ago - but it's hard to tell if that was caused by the mirt. I feel it's starting to work on my depression rather than my anxiety up to this point - but it's early days.

    I really hope it will help with the anxiety in the long term as that is what causes me to dip into depression. Anyway I'll fall off that bridge when I come to it!

    Glad you're still doing ok.

    Belle xx

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: 15mg to 30mg

    Thats good Belle, Mirtazipine was a life saver for me...I was in a pretty dark place and never thought I would come out of it but I did and without alot of the awful side effects that citalopram gave me!!

    I am sure you too will benefit...just takes time.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: 15mg to 30mg

    I am now on day 17 of Mirtazapine at 15mg. I am not feeling any benefits as such yet... as I said in another post I don't feel as though I am taking anything. I just feel sort of blah most of the time.

    Maybe I'm just being impatient but I was thinking of increasing to 30mg. The GP said to increase to that after 1 week, but because I read on here that others seem to stay at 15 for three or four weeks I thought I should do the same to see if it helped. No point in increasing your dose if the lower one does the job right?

    Should I wait a little longer or increase now

    Belle x

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