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Thread: For those scared by their IBS Symptoms

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Re: For those scared by their IBS Symptoms

    well done dahlia , thanks for takeing the time to help others , some info on there has helped me also .


  2. #12
    Dahlia is offline Intermediate Member
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    Jun 2008

    Re: For those scared by their IBS Symptoms

    A few things mentioned in the book in terms of remedies (again, only brief, in case of copyright issues - maybe buy the book!):

    Natural Remedies: (These have all been tested in studies and have shown efficacy)

    - Caraway Oil: -good for gas, abdo pain, bowel spasms, acid. Side effects are rare, however do not use in pregnancy.

    - Grapefruit Seed Extract: Good for adbo pain, gas, constipation. Capsule form is more effective than liquid. No side effects or drug interactions reported.

    - Iberogast (STW-5) a herbal combination from Germany. Good for acid and general gastro symptoms. No side effects or drug interactions noted.

    - Peppermint Oil: good for bowel spasms, preventing gas forming. Reduces bloating, stool frequency, intestinal rumbling, flatulence. But has little impact on nausea, acid, reflux, belching and heartburn. Enteric coated capsules are best as they reduce or totally eliminate potential side effects of reflux, burning/acid pain

    -Probiotics: One study found that 78% of IBS patients had bacterial overgrowth - and those who overcame this problem with probiotics saw significant reduction in symptoms, esp. diarrhoea and abdo pain. Lactobacillus plantarum shows particular efficacy for reduced gas and abdo pain.

    - Walking - is very effective for preventing constipation.

    I mentioned vitamins and minerals in the earlier post. Don't go bonkers with these, some are toxic in high doses!

    There are various prescribed medications. I won't list them all out here as there are differences between what GPs in the US vs. UK can prescribe, but you can find them in the book. Some do have side effects. As mentioned before, SSRI anti-depressants tend to help IBS constipation and tricyclics tend to help IBS diarrhoea - which may help guide when considering anxiety meds.

    The usual OTC meds are mentioned: Motilium (nausea, bloating, fullness), Imodium (diarrhoea and spasms), Buscopan (spasms).

    There is a lot of info in the book about types of fibre and bran, and who they might help.

    If it makes you feel calmer to know exactly why your body is doing what it is doing, and therefore know that it isn't sinister (although still unpleasant), then I would recommend the book

    This is the book: Used copies are currenty available from 50p. There is an updated copy, written in 2009, on Amazon too - but this is £15. I guess it might have more info in it.
    Last edited by Dahlia; 20-05-11 at 22:42.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: For those scared by their IBS Symptoms

    Mine is my mind is always thinking of my stomach and 99% of the times my stomach is playing up (which i no is my mind has made this happen) but i still carry on bein scared (i think to much ) & when i eat certain things i.e CRISP my stomach feels like its bein cut up around my belly button area.... or i get bad wind (last nyt was the worse ever) it was just below my ribs in the center i felt like i was in labour i actually would of rather had a baby than be in that pain i was in last nyt i felt doubled over and just couldn't move i HATE ibs so much and i feel am suffering 24/7 mainly with wind / nausea & headaches
    trying in little steps

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Re: For those scared by their IBS Symptoms

    Thanks dahlia thats very good reading and a huge help
    thanks jayne x

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: For those scared by their IBS Symptoms

    Thanks Dahlia for the informatin,will study it more.
    I have not been diagnosed with IBS, but I do have bowel trouble and try to keep regular. I have some granuals to take from GP. they seem to help.
    It is such a nuisance when going anywhere, you never know if you may need a toilet,and I am worried about having a storma bag like my mum had and my sister has now.Though they did not suffer with IBS themselves
    Thaxs again xxxxxxxx

  6. #16

    Question Re: For those scared by their IBS Symptoms

    hi Thanks very much for all the information about IBS. I have a bout at the moment, but am becoming increasingly confused, as to what I should be eating. I find the information really confusing. Has anyone got any easy to follow diet I could try. I get mixed up between the different sorts of fibre and whether I should be eating them or not.
    Also a few weeks ago I had a bout of diverticulitis, and wonder if there is a link between that and IBS.

  7. #17
    Dahlia is offline Intermediate Member
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    Jun 2008

    Re: For those scared by their IBS Symptoms

    Hi Gloria

    Unfortunately, when it comes to diet, with IBS, it seems it's often about individual trial and error. I presume you have IBS Diarrhoea? This can sometimes be helped by increasing soluble fibre. It appears to get worse on increasing insoluble fibre. However, any type of fibre can make it worse for some people. You won't know until you try various foods and keep a food and symptoms log.

    Insoluble fibre is found in the following foods:
    • beans
    • brown rice
    • fruits with edible seeds
    • lentils
    • maize
    • oats
    • pulses
    • wheat bran
    • wholegrain breads
    • wholegrain cereals
    • wholemeal breads
    • wholemeal cereals
    • wholemeal pasta
    • wholewheat flour.
    Keep away from bran!

    Soluble fibre contains gums and pectin. This type of fibre lowers cholesterol levels and controls blood sugar. It can be found in all fruit and vegetables, but the following are rich sources:
    • apples
    • barley
    • citrus
    • guar gum
    • legumes
    • oats
    • pears
    • strawberries.

    Personally, I have found that insoluble fibre is an absolute no-no. I have to eat white bread, for example, not brown. I am 'ok' with soluble fibre, however as acid often triggers off symptoms I keep away from citrus fruits and fruit juice for example.

    It's also worth considering whether any particular foods trigger you off, irrespective of fibre type. I get a very nasty chemical response to anything in the allium family (onions, garlic, shallots, chives) - again that is something I have discovered over years, and is probably an intolerance. These intolerances tend to be quite idiosyncratic, although a few foods seem to affect quite a few people.

    If the fibre route doesn't help, GPs sometimes suggest a 'low residue' diet, which I have realised I have naturally gravitated towards through trial and error without having known what it actually was! Read about it here:

    Interestingly, a low residue diet is often recommended for during a diverticulitis flare up (as you will read). It seems it is a bit unhealthy and shouldn't be continued for a very long time - however it is the only thing that really works for me, and I supplement it with soluble fibre I can tolerate eg peas, watercress, asparagus, as well as a good vitamin supplement.

    It's all a bit 'horses for courses', but I hope that helps.

  8. #18
    Dahlia is offline Intermediate Member
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    Re: For those scared by their IBS Symptoms

    Another thing I think is worth mentioning is the importance of B vitamins, specifically B12 and folic acid. B12 is in animal products (meat, fish, dairy). Folic acid is in lots of cereals and grains as well as leafy veg, asparagus and peas. Marmite has both of them.

    I was recently diagnosed with B12 and folic acid deficiency, which in my case is due to an antibiotic I take long-term. B12 and folate deficiency cause stomach symptoms - acid, bloating, diarrhoea, nausea. B12 deficiency is quite rare unless you are a vegan, alcoholic, have an autoimmune disorder called Pernicious Anaemia or have another inflammatory condition like Crohns. Folic Acid deficiency can be due to poor diet, or taking the antibiotic Trimethoprim (as well as a couple of other folate-sapping meds).

    The reason I mention this is not because I'm suggesting everyone should get tested for their vitamin levels, but to bear in mind if you do try a low-residue diet, you may not take in enough folic acid. And if you did become low or deficient, you may find your stomach symptoms get even worse!

    Another thing I learned is that folic acid and B12 are vital for the manufacture and synthesis of serotonin. Serotonin is implicated in anxiety and depression. Other symptoms of B12 and folate deficiency, are, you guessed it, anxiety and depression.

    Once I started my B12 injections and high dosage folic acid, I had about an 80% improvement in my anxiety levels. My stomach also got drastically better. (But bear in mind I was deficient, so it should have got better!)

    So - in summary, a good Vit B Complex would possibly be a good idea to take both in terms of stomach problems as well as mood issues, particularly if you don't take in a lot of folic acid or are a vegetarian. It's also worth bearing in mind that without good folate and B12 levels, SSRI anti-depressants may not be able to do their job properly.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Re: For those scared by their IBS Symptoms

    Quote Originally Posted by honeyp1e View Post
    Mine is my mind is always thinking of my stomach and 99% of the times my stomach is playing up (which i no is my mind has made this happen) but i still carry on bein scared (i think to much ) & when i eat certain things i.e CRISP my stomach feels like its bein cut up around my belly button area.... or i get bad wind (last nyt was the worse ever) it was just below my ribs in the center i felt like i was in labour i actually would of rather had a baby than be in that pain i was in last nyt i felt doubled over and just couldn't move i HATE ibs so much and i feel am suffering 24/7 mainly with wind / nausea & headaches
    yep I know the feeling. I am just like you everything is my stomach, it wrecks my appetitie and I am constantly depressed and worrying about it all the time because it just annoys the crap out of me. If I could have a whole digestive transplant I would be a happier person.

  10. #20

    Re: For those scared by their IBS Symptoms

    Thanks so much Dahlia for the information, it was a great help.

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