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Thread: Ectopics, anxiety/panic attacks and medication

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Ectopics, anxiety/panic attacks and medication

    Hi there,

    I suffer bad ectopics (heart has just been given the all clear - apart from the ectopics) but I have just hit a brick wall and had the most terrible panic attacks for 3 days now with constant and dreadful chest pains (obviously fearing a heart attack constantly and I cant get that out of my mind!). I just took a benzo which has calmed me down and stopped the vile chest pains .... Mr. Anxiety once again. I find that the anxiety coupled with physical pains and ectopics just leads to sheer terror ...... anyone else got it? I dont feel depressed, just physically dreadful and very, very scared when it happens. Trying to hold down a very responsible job and appear bright and confident to all around whilst going through this is sheer hell. I have finally caved in and am going to see my doc on Friday (who unfortunately is not at all clued up about anxiety/panic/ectopics and just says there is nothing wrong!)

    I just wondered if anyone else is taking any meds to stop the panic associated with the ectopics.... if so, what are you on? Is it antidepressants or Benzo's? I am going to insist that she gives me something as this is a living hell and my cardiologist confirmed that ectopics are a major cause of anxiety in otherwise fit and healthy people. Why should we have to suffer? If I had a broken arm the doc would try and fix it ..... because this isn't tangible, I think those who arent in the "know" just don't get it.

    Wish I didnt obsess over this so much ...."ignorance is bliss" .... if only hey - I think life would be so much easier if one just didnt give a damn!

    Thanks so much for reading and replying, this is such a helpful place!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    hey think of mind over matter mate , thats all this is ..... the mind plays tricks on us and leaves us in a state . have you read claire weekes book? she makes sence of what you and many of us are feeling at the moment . depression can be an awful thing but it can be beaten . gotta think positive x hard but true , take care mazz

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    , , USA.

    I seriously know exactly how you are feeling right now... It is terrible. I am also totally freaked out about my heart. Every day it is something else though. I also am working at a job... and just putting on a calm, happy face. The only place I ever really vent about this is on this site, and to my husband. So many people would be so shocked I suffer at all. It is so hard. I guess my best advice is to just keep pushing... keep going to work... and keep living life. As far as meds... Im not sure what would be best... At this point i am not taking anything... but I am open to the idea... just would rather not take. Who knows... keep me posted on what you decide

    Heidi xx

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    *the most terrible panic attacks for 3 days now *

    Are these triggered by the ectopics ?

    Have you tried betablockers yet ?
    Have you read the palpitations page on the home page ?


    Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
    How big is your gallery ?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    , , Zimbabwe.
    I get little heart thumps too which my dr. attributes to nerves.
    You just have to accept that you can't control everything.
    Oddly enough that seems to apply to one's own heart sometimes.
    By letting go you have more control. Anybody can drop dead.
    Don't let this thought keep you from living.
    Perhaps you could try meditation.
    Meditation is simply a technology to keep the mind in its place.
    The simplest form of meditation is conscious breathing.
    There are many books about these things and most would suffice to introduce you to this thousands-of-year-old practice .
    Still the mind and see things as they really are.
    Reason too produces monsters.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    34 new here...2 yrs ago i lost my mum suddenly...i was 29...since then ive had serious (what i call serious anyway) panic attacks...a racing heart and also "fluttering"....i had an ecg which came back fine but i still get them, it feels like my heart skips a beat and catches up 2...or like its cot an air bubble inside and suddenly works its way out...anyone esle felt this?? i hate it...i fear the "death" word sooo much since i lost my whole body aches with sick of it....although i know its all in my head when your mind isnt working right its hard to think positive ya know??
    any tips or advice would be welcome...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

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