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Thread: Weird skin sensations (pin pricks, burning) HELP! Anyone else?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Weird skin sensations (pin pricks, burning) HELP! Anyone else?

    Hi, all. Does anyone else get weird skin sensations on a regular basis? For almost 4 months now, I've been getting pin prick sensations all over my body every day, as if someone opened a safety pin and is sticking me with it. The feeling can happen anywhere from the top of my head to the tip of my toes. Lately, I've been getting the feelings all day long, which is very upsetting. Sometimes it's also a burning sensation, like I've been hit with a droplet of hot grease. This is not something that happens from a panic attack, or because my hands or feet "fall asleep." It's all over my body, throughout the day. I HATE it!!!! I had something similar back in 2004, but it went away after a couple months. I had my B12 level checked a couple months ago, because a B12 deficiency can cause these problems. But my level was normal. I am afraid my nerves are damaged. I don't want this discomfort forever.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: Weird skin sensations (pin pricks, burning) HELP! Anyone else?

    I have had weird skin sensation for past 30 years and believe me I have over that time had every test for neuro diseases available!

    I can get the wasp sting prickles as I call them anywhere on my body, so bad I have whipped my clothes off as soon as I can to check there isn't a wasp in there! I get crawling sensations as if a large booted insect is crawling its way up my face/ head/leg etc again I have had to check there really isn't one. I also get shingles like patches anywhere on my skin wehre it is agony to lightest touch but if you press its fine together with sharp stinging pains in area, the areas never last longer than 48 hrs and are then gone and all of this has affected every part of my body at some time or other.

    Its a bit like the twiching eyelid - anxiety and stress make your nervous symptom hyperactive and this is the consequence.

  3. #3

    Re: Weird skin sensations (pin pricks, burning) HELP! Anyone else?

    Wow, so relieved to know that other people are getting this too !!! I started out with itchy skin a few months ago and it's progressed to these awful pin-prick stinging and burning sensations. I keep going to Dr. Google and diagnosing myself with all sorts, you know the story! I found an online forum about this particular symptom (type 'weird prickly skin' into Google) and thousands of people have posted on it, some of them have had the symptom for years and doctors have not been able to get to the bottom of it - although suggestions are vitamin deficiency, stress/anxiety and pollen allergy. I recently had blood tests and nothing abnormal was found but think I'm going to have to go back as it's really painful some days. Be interesting to see how we all get on xx

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: Weird skin sensations (pin pricks, burning) HELP! Anyone else?

    I had no luck in 30 yrs finding out what it is. I have had quite a number of brain scans over that time so know its not a neuro disease and galllons of blood tested! One Dr said "peripheral neuropathy" which is not a diagnosis but describes the symptoms as in nerve sensations of the peripheral nerves as in nerves of the skin.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Weird skin sensations (pin pricks, burning) HELP! Anyone else?

    I have exactly the same I call them zaps, it feels like electric shocks and can happen any where on my body any time any where, not when an attack occurs. Have no idea why happens just been told its a symptom of anxiety along with 1000+ other symptoms, but I don't think its anything to be concerned about is it?

    Always do what makes you happy, be with who make you smile and laugh as much as you breathe

  6. #6

    Re: Weird skin sensations (pin pricks, burning) HELP! Anyone else?

    I agree, I wouldn't be at all surprised if it's anxiety/stress, but it's hard to accept that sometimes isn't it. Countrygirl, sorry to hear you've had this for 30 years ! Poor you x

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Weird skin sensations (pin pricks, burning) HELP! Anyone else?

    Thanks for the replies. I'd love for this to go away, but I'm not getting my hopes up. At least when you've had a symptom for 30 years you can be sure it's not from anything terminal!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    , , USA.

    Re: Weird skin sensations (pin pricks, burning) HELP! Anyone else?

    I get the pin pricks all over all the time it makes me jump and hurts ,but you should feel what I feel a vibrtion in my pelvic area and in lower back and legs. It feel like a vibration/buzzing/tuning fork sensation. It started in my foot ankle a year ago but now its in my lower back tailbone and pelvic region and legs and have it every other day all day and night and sometimes a day goes by thst I dont have it. but its really bothersome and makes you worry.
    Blah Blah Blah Blah..

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: Weird skin sensations (pin pricks, burning) HELP! Anyone else?

    Yep I know all about the tuning fork vibration I first had that about 28 yrs ago and it drove me mad for three months straight, all day every day as if someone was pinging a tuning fork inside my left leg, I also got feeling as if I had stood in a bucket of cold water or someone had poured cold water down my leg. I was convinced I had ms but I didn't and eventually worked out that it had started after I had got my left leg very cold sitting on a concrete step with a cold wind blowing on back of knee. I had it on and off for about 5 years and realised it was due to hypersensitivity of the nerve in leg from original cold experience. The gap between getting the leg so cold and the symptoms was about 3 weeks so of course did not connect the two.

  10. #10

    Re: Weird skin sensations (pin pricks, burning) HELP! Anyone else?

    yes the same thing happens to me .. i just posted that i was worried about ms because of this exact symptoms. i dont know how to even explain the weird things that happen to me. i get this static feeling throughout my body and i feel like a vibration right before going to sleep!! im worried sick!! i just want you to know you are not alone

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