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Thread: Hi, new guy in a fight with ATOS!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Hi, new guy in a fight with ATOS!

    Hi, I'm John, 58 now, spine injury for 21 years and on IB and DLA.

    Received the new 'Limited Capabillity' form from ATOS in May, current situation...letters flying back and forth between me and ATOS..DWP London and the local DWP office...and number 10.

    I'm not in a bad mood...I'm breathing fire...

    I think they may cut my money off soon as I've refused to play their silly game and I'm on the attack, ATOS are incompetent and I'm making sure everyone knows

    More later when I've found my way around the forum.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Hi Bruno58

    We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

    Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Re: Hi, new guy in a fight with ATOS!

    Hi and welcome to NMP

    Paige x

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Re: Hi, new guy in a fight with ATOS!

    Hiya and welcome to NMP I hope you find the help and advice here and maybe make a few friends in the process

    Emmz xx

    nolite te basstardes carborundorum

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: Hi, new guy in a fight with ATOS!

    Thanks for the welcome guys, seem to be more girls here, I was directed to the forum by a search RE: ATOS!, however, I have lots of experience regarding many of the posts on here so I thought I'd stay and see what's happening.

    I hope I can give some good advice/info and also find some answers for myself and maybe something to cheer me up a bit! its tough going (as usual) and I find keeping my brain active helps a lot.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Re: Hi, new guy in a fight with ATOS!

    atos is a hard firm to beat the wording in the act which labour bought in
    is what you can do .not what you cant do
    good luck
    god bless mate
    Nil Desperandum

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: Hi, new guy in a fight with ATOS!

    London, Yes I know about the 'ACT', I'm trying to fight it, someone has to, my first contact with ATOS has gone very badly! previous assessment by the DWP over 20 years were no problem as I have a degen disc with claudication + other severe physical problems, its crazy.

    I should be in bed asleep now as I'm shattered at the moment but had to post this...back later with some juicy stuff...I've given them a hard time so far and I will continue


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Re: Hi, new guy in a fight with ATOS!

    Hi John welcome to the forum, Im glad you found us.
    I think I am. Im sure I am, at least I think I must be.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: Hi, new guy in a fight with ATOS!

    thanks paulst.

    I may start a new topic regarding ATOS and my experience so far.

    Its weekend so I'm hoping to wind down a little and recover from another bad week, I need the rest.

    Just to give some idea of what's been happening since the form arrived, its dated 24 May 2011, I've written to Cameron (5 letters) ATOS have had more than that, DWP about 6 also, most sent recorded delivery and some special delivery.

    Number 10 sent a card of acknowlegement on the 10 Aug and passed my writings on to the DWP London, last week a letter came dated 22 August from the PM's comms unit at Num 10,

    An extract...
    "I am sorry to read of you and your wife, Y...... , I'll health...
    Mr Cameron very much appreciates your taking the time and trouble to get in touch with your concerns."

    They have again sent my letter on to the DWP, just checked today and my benefit is still being paid.

    Its all very complicated with my health and my GP has deferred his diagnosis, I know I have spinal claudication and now periphial claud + very high BP, 200/100 is not uncommon for me, to cap it all my wife is a cancer patient for 8 years now, she is not good at all and relies on me to control her mental stability + the rest of her needs, no one else can do that...we have tried outside help but it always goes wrong.

    I will fight on though and I intend to bring the situation to a head, there is nothing they can do to me which hasn't already been done.

    Lots of pain last few days with my legs and spine , I'm up most nights with the leg pain 2-3 times, sorry to go on so much but it really is a very bad situation.

    Last edited by Bruno58; 09-09-11 at 15:12.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Hi, new guy in a fight with ATOS!

    Hi Bruno,

    Recognised your name from the thread of mine ( thanks again for your help! )

    I had a terrible interview with ATOS! I do totally relate to the anger you feel and frustration... How they operate is beyond me!

    I had to talk to the man in the waiting room with me as we had to decide which one of us could go in first (after ATOS had messed up the appointment times and double booked us!)
    The woman then said that I could talk to people with no problems as she saw me talking to the other man waiting in the waiting room! (I felt as nervous as anything and had no choice but to talk to him and if she thought I was comfortable then surely she isn't medically trained!? - Are these interviewers medically trained?)

    I have a lot of issues that I have to deal with daily and I had to open up to her and pour my problems out, this was so difficult!! She seemed like such a cold person, I left that room in tears and felt so confused!

    Surely these interviewers have some knowledge? What knowledge do they have?

    I have been granted ESA now, I think they must have communicated with my doctor.

    I truly hope that you get the result that you rightfully should!!!

    Best Wishes xx
    Ultimately we know deeply that the other side of every fear is a freedom.

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