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Thread: magic

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    I am in the most terrible panic this morning.Don't no whether it is because I could not get to sleep last night. I took half the dose of sleeping tablet instead of proper dose cos i am trying to cut down.
    half an hour ago I took 10mg chlordiazepoxide. I took my BP and it is
    155/97 pulse 99.
    This sort of thing has not happened to me for years.and I had lots of things planned today, now I'm stuck. No reason for this to happen to me.
    So sorry to do this post,but i feel dreadful

  2. #2

    Re: magic

    Hi Magic,

    Im sorry to hear that you are panicking. Taking just have of dose of sleeping pill shouldn't affect you.Can you tell me please what sleeping pill are you using and for how long?


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: magic

    nitrazepam 2 5mg at night taking for about 2 years also
    i take 50mg sertraline in the mornings been taking these for 2 and a half months.
    been ok till this morng. thanx

  4. #4

    Re: magic

    Ok, as you mentioned above you have been On Nitrozepam which is a hypnotic drug used in the treatment of moderate to severe insomnia which has sedative and motor impairing properties and now that you have been on it for 2 years and you are trying to come off it you are experiencing withdrawal syndrome occurring when the drug is stopped or the dose lowered as you have started taking only half dose. Common withdrawal symptoms include anxiety, insomnia, concentration problems and tiredness. So the reason for the way you feel this morning is due to the benzodiazepam withdrawal syndrome. Try not to worry too much and maybe slowly stop taking anymore sleeping pills:-). they are very strong drugs i must say. May i ask you what are you being treated for?
    F :-)
    The secret for humour is surprise.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: magic

    Id cut dwn by a smaller ammount if you dont feel too good still Magic ..Prety scary when you havnt been like this for a long time ..Try to keep calm and not over react .(.I know its hard ).Hope you coping ok ..Lots love Sue xxx

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: magic

    Thank you Franky,
    I have had a lot of problems over the last few years due to family illness.
    I have had severe insomnia for many years and have been treated for anxiety and panic and have had many different drugs --those are the current drugs I mentioned.
    I also take a low dose of asprin and normally cholesteral tablets,but I have dropped the cholesteral tablets for a few months to see if they are causing the muscle pain in my back my GP suggested that.(had by pass heart op 2001)
    I am due to go and see her soon.
    I think I will have my usual dose of sleeping tablets tonight though just to see what happens tomorrow
    I dread to think how i would cope if I have the same panic in the morning.
    Thanx again. I still have a rather fast pulse but have slowly calmed down
    I hate to complain about myself , but it was so bad this morning

    ---------- Post added at 18:29 ---------- Previous post was at 18:02 ----------

    Suzy Sue,
    Thanx SS have sent PNMP message to youxx

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Re: magic

    I took half the dose of sleeping tablet instead of proper dose
    I had lots of things planned today
    I could not get to sleep last night.
    I am in the most terrible panic this morning.
    No reason for this to happen to me... Really?

    Well "Sweet" Magic, let's start with halving the dose of your sleeping tablet. A 50% reduction in one night? That's a Big drop so no wonder you couldn't get to sleep.

    Then you say you had alot of things planned today which means you went to bed thinking about all those things you had to sort. I bet your mind was running in circles about all those things which no doubt caused stress and worries for you. No wonder your mind couldn't switch off and this would have been made a whole lot worse with your 50% drop of meds.

    So, let's see, you had a terrible panic this morning after a night without sleep filled with worries and without your usual dose of meds but you can't think of any reason why it should have happened to you?

    Ok, Sweet Magic, try reducing your sleeping meds at a Lower Percentage, say 25% rather than halving them and if that doesn't work, try an even lower percentage per night or try a slightly lower dose once a week etc and very gradually keep reducing at the same rate. Whatever rate you find you can cope with.

    That Should allow you to get a good nights sleep and allow your mind to switch off which should then mean you'll wake feeling more refreshed and relaxed.

    Sweet Magic, there's Always a reason for panics to surface but often we can't see it ourselves. Just put it down to experience.

  8. #8

    Re: magic

    Dear Magic,

    Sounds to me that you went through a rather though few years. sometimes Gp prescribe to many meds without thinking that they can cause a lot of other problems. for instance one drug will help you and the other wont. But as they say when our body broke down that's when medicine takes over. Don't worry about complaining we are here to listen to each others issues and try to give each other good advice and help as much as we can to make others in need feel better.Have you thought about what could be the real reason for your panic attack? What might have trigger it off? And as for the muscle pain could be a number of things.
    Hope you didn't have any panic attack this morning and you are feeling better:-)
    The secret for humour is surprise.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: magic

    Hiya =) Sorry to hear you are having a bad patch - Try going for a jog ! Since I have started jogging my anxiety and panic levels have reduced quite a lot and have helped me sleep at night =)

    Good luck , hope all goes well

    Hannah x
    Please check out my sites =) xxx
    My Blog =)

    >>> UPDATED!!!!!<<<

    Recovered from Panic attacks , now recovering from Anxiety - nearly there!

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