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Thread: restlessness and restless legs on citalopram

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    restlessness and restless legs on citalopram

    Hi i started cit nearly 5 wks ago and have gradually gone up from 10, 20, 25 and the last 3 days 30mg, ive had lots of awful side effects which r gradually passing slowly! my biggest prob is the restlessness i feel in the morning......i wake up with restless legs (my legs r literally moving like mad) and for about 3 hrs im sooooooo restless and if i sit down then my legs r just moving constantly, its particulary bad today but this maybe cause i just upped from 25mg to 30mg 3 days ago! has anybody else got this? as ive said in previous posts my anxiety is still v bad in the mornings and today i was retching yet again doc has given me some anti-nausea pills which helped yeaterday morning but not today??
    Nicola xx

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: restlessness and restless legs on citalopram

    I got very restless when starting cit and although it settles it seems to cone back with dosage increases, it does settle back down though and you've increase a fair bit in just 5 weeks, give your body time to adjust

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: restlessness and restless legs on citalopram

    Thanks its driving me nuts in the morning im literally pacing the kitchen whilst not being far from the sink incase i start retching doesn't help that i have to get straight up when i wake (which at the min is around 5-5:30am) as my legs r just moving and shaking....ARGH, ive been on cit b4 and never got this but then saying that i don't think i was as bad anxiety wise as i am now xx

  4. #4

    Re: restlessness and restless legs on citalopram

    i ve had the same , i started walking , and i found it helped tho it was hard to fit it into the day , ive now got a tredmill in the shed ! so i have no excuse not to fit half hour in at some point .

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: restlessness and restless legs on citalopram

    walk???? lol......i never walk anywhere!!! ask my hubby.........i drive to the shop which is literally a 5 min walk from our house!!! xx

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