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Thread: Mirtazapine nightmare! WEIGHT GAIN. Please read...

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: Mirtazapine nightmare! WEIGHT GAIN. Please read...

    You were right. I have only taken it 4 days and my stomach looks distended. I have started to exercise daily and alter my diet so it's gone in the bin. I spent years battling compulsive exercise and I can't go back there. I didn't get the munchies and my diet did not alter but my husband says I look considerably rounder and that my stomach sticks out. He is a totally honest down to earth guy so I believe him and its not in my head.

    I have decided to go it alone and stop all drugs.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Mirtazapine nightmare! WEIGHT GAIN. Please read...

    Having gone cold turkey I can say it's not a nice experience. After a few weeks I am now having to go back on it at a lower dose. This drug breaks my heart as it is wonderful for the depressioon but the weight can... *sigh*

    I had to ask myself do I want to be skinny and suicidal or curvier and happy. The latter wins in the end. Besides, if I put my mind to it I can work hard to exercise more and lose weight, I don't think I can do anything about the depression without mirt.

    Makes me so sad! ):

    ---------- Post added at 21:20 ---------- Previous post was at 21:18 ----------


    I hope so much that you can go drug free, it's my dream too! But no matter how determined you are, be prepared to accept help again if you need it. I mean look at me! I was heartbroken over the bl**dy mirt and completely determined to get off all prescription meds, but going cold turkey was hellish and I gave in. The weight gain that I know is inevitable really gets to me, but I do not see any other option left to me.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: Mirtazapine nightmare! WEIGHT GAIN. Please read...

    I put on a couple of stone on Mirtazapine. Although I'm 100% sure the weight gain to start with was because I was eating more (a LOT more) and have since lost most of it, I am beginning to come to the conclusion that this drug DOES change your metabolism, in other words you can still gain weight even if you don't eat more than normal. I was told by my GP the Mirtazapine itself won't increase weight, it will increase your appetite and that is what puts the weight on. But many months later I am interested to note that eating at my normal pre-Mirtazapine level (which neither put on or lost weight) actually still puts weight on. Keeping a constant weight means consciously reducing calorie intake whereas pre-Mirtazapine I could eat what I wanted and still remain thin as a rake.

    Prior to Mirtazapine I was on Citalopram for 6 months and did not put any weight on at all.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: Mirtazapine nightmare! WEIGHT GAIN. Please read...

    Good luck Babikins... I wanted to be drug free too but for now back on the prozac for my body dysmorphia and ocdness... Bah... It does nothing for my moods but at least I am not hating my modest baby belly every time I see it. One day I will go it alone and not take any medicines maybe...

    If you can deal with the weight gain and this drug works for then I think that is great. I couldn't do it. Which means I guess my ancient bulimia is stronger than I thought- that made me sad too :(

    For what it's worth I think Mirtazapine changes your metabolic rate hugely. And I think that is why you gain weight. I am a thin highly strung brisk person with a high metabolic rate and while taking Mirt and for the following week and half I felt like I was slowed down massively. I also think it possibly increases retention of fluids as it bloated me up really quickly. I really wanted it to work for me.

    My GP has offered me pregabalin instead but it causes weight gain too. So I am sticking with the prozac and the odd valium. And my counselling. And maybe a sad light if I can save up enough.

    Good luck.


  5. #15

    Re: Mirtazapine nightmare! WEIGHT GAIN. Please read...

    I've had similar horrendous problems with this drug. I was 16st (overweight already) when I started taking it 45mg dosage. I hadn't been aware of the weight gain side effect, so just carried on as normal.

    5 months later I got called in for a glucose tolerance test. I got weighed at the doctors and was 19st. That's 3st in five months!!!! And yes, I now had diabetes.

    My psych had been dead keen on me taking the drug for a whole year, so I continued with it, bought a set of scales, and seriously attacked my diet. As a result of the weight gain and diabetes, I had a serious depression setback. After 7 months, my weight was down to 18st 7lb. Something had to go, and it was the weight, and the drug.

    I reduced it to 30 for 2 weeks, then 15 for another fortnight, and then off. 3 weeks later I could feel that I was off it. I realised that my feelings had been numbed by the drug for the last year. I was starting to feel 'things', including my anxiety and depression. My weight then started plummeting, and 3weeks later my weight is now 17st 8lb. Another 22lb to go before I get back to my previous weight, but at least I think I can lose it, and then more.

    This is a drug that I never want to take again. And any new drugs are gonna be carefully monitored on the weight front. My depression and anxiety are back, but at least I've some control back.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: Mirtazapine nightmare! WEIGHT GAIN. Please read...


    I gained weight on this drug and I too was over-weight to begin with (so not ideal) but I would not turn the clock back as mirtazipine helped me out of a very dark place and even though you may gain weight the other side effects that sometimes come with other AD's is far less!!

    I guess for me it was better that I was in a better frame of mental health rather than the weight issue.

    We are all different and some people dont gain weight on mirtazipine but even if you do it can be lost eventually as I have managed to lose all of what I put on (mind you the past couple of months its creeping up again...but thats down to eating things that I know I shouldn't).

    Anyone thinking of starting this drug should weight up what is more important to I know for me at the time I just wanted to get out of that horrible dark place!!!

    Hope that helps.


  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: Mirtazapine nightmare! WEIGHT GAIN. Please read...

    I agree with Jo and Humly you can be on mirtazapine and maintain a healthy weight. I am currently taking 45mg and initially I gained weight a lot of weight probably 1st 7lbs. I managed to lose this whilst following a weight loss programme and I am currently on this programme again. I haven't lost control but am currently 10lbs over what I would like to be. I am also on lithium so I need to eat and drink regularly and sensibly. Mirtazapine has been by far the best anti depressant that I have taken. Prior to this I was on dothiepin long term about fourteen years. I was on a high dose 175mg and with the lithium and anything else my psychiatrist decided to try. It was a relief to come off the dothiepin and remain on the mirtazapine and lithium alone. He wanted me on duloxetine but I could not tolerate that. Mirtazapine has been by far the best. EJ.

  8. #18

    Re: Mirtazapine nightmare! WEIGHT GAIN. Please read...

    Sorry if my post gave alarms. My suggestion would be to keep an eagle eye on your weight if you start taking mirtazepan, that way if it starts going up, you can do something about it sharpish (rather than after you've put on 3stones).

  9. #19

    Re: Mirtazapine nightmare! WEIGHT GAIN. Please read...

    I take 30mg (was 45mg) Mirtazapine with Lamotrigine and quetiapine. I have found all of them to be a lifeline to me. I did put on a little weight to start with but I think that was because they made me feel better and increased a suppressed appetite.
    I would love to lose weight (like most women), but I have been told that I am not overweight and besides, my hubby prefers to snuggle next to me now than the "depressed bag of bones" - his words!

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Re: Mirtazapine nightmare! WEIGHT GAIN. Please read...

    I put on quite a bit of body fat when I took citalopram. My diet didn't really change and nor did the amount I ate, I think over the course of treatment I probably gained 1 - 1.5 stone, although i don't weight myself so no idea.

    As a bloke I'm not quite as concerned about weight although it was still of course something that upset me a bit.

    But complete lack of labido, erectile dysfunction and no sleep upset me more which is why I cam off them.

    Now looking at alternatives including Mirtz.

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