Hi luv2teach just wanted to wish you good luck with everything and really hope the meds soon kick in for you, I know how bad this terrible thing makes you feel ... on a positive note I'm feeling loads better, not great but much better than a week or so ago. I'm taking 30 mg of paroxetine now, upped from 20... will see how I feel in another couple of weeks, the doctor told me to take 40 mg but did'nt want to up them to much as I am feeling quite a bit better, I still feel very anx in the mornings but it passes much quicker now, and I have'nt had a panic attack since starting taking them so thats obviously really great. I still feel restless it's hard to sit still like a fidgety feeling in my hands and feet !! anyway please keep us posted on how you're getting on... chin up and all that !!