Hi lauz_lea,

Thanks for your post. Our circumstances do sound very similar. What causes your anxiety - mine is worrying about my health !!!! I have wasted so much of my life worrying about my health it is ridiculous. When the seroxat works I feel much better and my worries are just in the background but at the moment my health is all I can think about. I have had loads of tests on my heart and apart from actually opening me up there aren't any more tests I can have. BUT I still think there is something wrong with my heart. I have also had a brain MRI scan because I kept feeling dizzy and lightheaded and thought it was a brain tumour :(. I must add that I have paid privately for these tests as my GP wouldn't send me for them.

Anyway I am on day 10 today and don't feel too bad at the moment. I am at work and can't wait for 4 p.m. when I can go home. I am going to start taking my tablet in the evening. I took one about an hour ago because I didn't want to wait until tonight to take it so tomorrow I will start in the evening.

I have also lost loads of weight in the last few weeks. I had no appetite for days and also couldn't sleep. I am still not sleeping very well and keep waking up during the night where I just lay and worry - great.

I don't drink much caffeine just the odd can of pepsi, don't smoke and actually am not keen on alcohol so I do try and avoid caffeine where possible.

I am really pleased to hear that you are thinking of returning to work next week. Just make sure you are ready to go back.

Did you feel lightheaded and shaky with your side effects from the tablets. I am assuming it is the tablets or could be my anxiety.

Anxiety is just AWFUL !!!!

Take care xx