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Thread: Anyone else get bad leg aches during period?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Anyone else get bad leg aches during period?


    Just wondered why my legs are SO painful. They hurt all day yesterday, like when you have the flu. Got my period in the afternoon and they got gradually worse to the point where it hurt to stand up and even when lying down they were aching.
    They are just as bad this morning, and my period is heavy and ive got abdominal cramps too (which I get every month).

    Could there be a link between the two?

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: Anyone else get bad leg aches during period?

    Hi Crystal,

    I can't say for sure if there's a link between the leg pains and menstruation, but I can tell you that I get the same from time to time around my period, especially when it is a heavy one. Mine is a nagging type of pain that does not get better with rest and is typically worse in my thighs, but also travels down the rest of the leg. Seems a bit nervy in nature.

    I've been considering that this pain could well be due to contractions in the uterus as I've heard before that the uterus and the legs can sometimes share the same nerve pathway, and since I'm rather petite, I suppose that would not be altogether unlikely.

    Leg pains at the time of the month could also be a sign of endometriosis or dysmenorrhea, though, so it's always best to get yourself checked out if you are noticing any changes in how you're feeling on your cycle so that your doctor can help you deal with your pains accordingly.

    Hope this helps!
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: Anyone else get bad leg aches during period?

    Thanks swiffer, it does feel nerve-related as Ive had sciatic pains in my leg in the past and its sort of similar to them. Will go to docs on monday as ive looked on google (naughty!) and it said something about fibroids which both my mum and sister have.

    Thanks for reply x

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Re: Anyone else get bad leg aches during period?

    Hi Crystal
    Yes its very normal, I think as I get that too and my gp knows about it aswell. She ut me through to a referral for tests on endometriosis.
    But I know what you mean because I get the thigh aches and back ache like I have the flu and its horrible.

    I would mention it to the gp though they could give you some pain relief for it to see if that will help.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: Anyone else get bad leg aches during period?

    Thanks for reply pinkroxy, so did it turn out that you had endometriosis?
    Hope you're ok now! I know someone who has this and she is in agony alot of the time.

    Yeah will mention the aches to docs as the last 2 days its been really unbearable.

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