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Thread: Pregabalin - Waiting For Lift Off

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Pregabalin - Waiting For Lift Off

    Not a diary as such but I just want to record my experiences with Pregabalin both as a reference for myself and any other users who are on the drug or who are thinking of maybe seeing their GP/Psychatrist with a view to taking it.
    So been on it now for a couple of days on 50mg twice a day. I first should say that my GP was reluctant to give me this drug on grounds of cost and what he sees as lack of evidence that it actually works(contrary to almost every single opinion that I have gathered on NMP). Perhaps that's why he's giving me such a low dose. I am a large fellow(around 17 stone) and I doubt very much given my previous high tolerance for other types of medication, that this dose will have much of an effect on me. But we shall see.
    Anyway, nothing to report as yet, don't feel a thing. I have read that some people feel an almost instant reaction after taking this drug but then I have always had a thick head!
    Anxiety very high right now and I am almost crippled with inertia and really dread contact with other human beings, be it face to face or even on the phone. Christmas is not good time to have this kind of panic. Does anyone else ever feel this way.
    I guess I have to wait a bit longer...

  2. #2

    Re: Pregabalin - Waiting For Lift Off

    Hi Rob,

    I'm on day 2 of Pregabalin myself - I was lucky in that I saw a keen, recently qualified GP who was a bit wet behind the ears (my normal GP wasnt available). He was doing a lot of um-ing and erring when I last went to see him, but then started printing the prescription (after a quick check of MIMS) seconds after I suggested it. I think my usual GP would have been less accomodating. Hope he doesnt get in trouble, or I have the rug pulled out from under me once these run out!

    Anyway, i'm a 38yr old 14st bloke, and have been given 150g (75g twice a day). After reading about some people (mostly women I guess) starting on 50, I opened the first cap, and reduced the powder to what looked like 50 just to see what it felt like... which was nothing really. In fact, I probably felt more anxious waiting for the endless list of side-effects to start. They didnt.

    Day 2, and I having had a full day of 150mg, I definately notice a difference. Anxiety is still there, but this morning, I find i'm already doing stuff that previously was a real challange. I never avoided that much stuff, but on the worst days even the simplest of every day tasks took quite a lot of psyching-up.

    BTW, i'm also on sertraline 150mg having recently recently upped from 100mg which I had been on for nearly 15 years with hardly any 'blips'. Im still struggling to work out why they no longer seem to work, or whether recent events have tipped me over the edge. I wasnt keen on upping to 200mg, hence my desire to try pregabalin. Eventually, i'd like to reduce the sertraline down, or maybe stop it all together (probably take a year after all this time).

    So... at the 150mg per day dose, it does appear to be doing something. Let me know how it pans out for you.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: Pregabalin - Waiting For Lift Off

    Hi Iain,
    Thanks for that. To be honest the doc I saw is ultra cautious and probably knows full well that I will feel little or no effect from 100mg a day. That way he can turn round and say, well you're not feeling any benefit, no point in taking it...or am I just being cynical?
    To be honest I'm thinking of upping the dose to 150mg but then they may question why I've come back early for my prescription?
    It's encouraging that you are already feeling the benefits. I don't know if the sertraline enhances the effects of the pregabalin but I am on no other medication.
    Good luck and please keep me informed of your progress.

  4. #4

    Re: Pregabalin - Waiting For Lift Off

    Well, maybe you should be economical with the truth, and say something like 'Suprisingly they do appear to be having a positive effect at this low dose, but there is still a fair bit of anxiety there which would probably benefit from an increase' ??

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: Pregabalin - Waiting For Lift Off

    I think I may just do that.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: Pregabalin - Waiting For Lift Off

    Took an extra 50mg as safe(?) experiment just to see if there was any reaction. Just a slightly naseous feeling which I've had before and a slight "racing" sensation that I have experienced before with other drugs. No fatigue though which is pleasing.
    Just want to make clear that I don't recommend anyone increasing their medication without consulting their doctor first. It was just my choice to try this once but from now on I will go back to the prescribed dose...

  7. #7

    Re: Pregabalin - Waiting For Lift Off

    I'm not sure if doing it just the once will do that much - this stuff works quickly, but.. Presumably it doesn't get cleared out of your system completely between doses, so I guess there would be a slight cumulative effect. I think I felt a positive effect after dose 3 of 75mg, but you're a bigger chap so...

    If someone told me to 'be patient' a couple of days ago, I would have blown my top, so I won't do that ....

    Still doing ok myself, but woke up with a hangover type headache this morning ... Nothing major, but hope this isn't a sign of things to come.

    Anxiety levels when I started... 7/10 ... Now 4/10 (dont ask me how this scale works!)

    Hang in there....

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: Pregabalin - Waiting For Lift Off

    It's almost a negligible dose for someone of my size, I don't know even if my system is registering it in any way...I certainly feel nothing at the moment. But like you say I have to be patient and I guess I had better not experiment any further with the dosage.
    I'm glad it seems to be having a benefit for you and clearly your anxiety levels are down. The hangover thing is not something I've heard of before but there's always a trade-off with all drugs I guess.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: Pregabalin - Waiting For Lift Off

    Hi have just been given Pregabalin by my dentist for nerve pain, But also read that it can be used for GAD. Have tried sertaline but after 2 days on that drug i had to come off due to suicidal thoughts (had a very bad reaction to it).
    So hopefully pleased that this could a help with my nerve pain and anxiety.
    He gave me 75mg twice aday will be starting after christmas so will be watching your thread with great interest

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: Pregabalin - Waiting For Lift Off

    Good luck with that but presumably your pregabalin will only be a short-term basis if it's been prescribed for nerve pain? On that dosage you have a head start over me on a measly 100mg!
    I too had a similar reaction to a drug once which also made me feel suicidal and constantly weepy. Frightening what these chemicals can do and how different people can react in completely different ways to the same medication.

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