Hi everyone,
Feeling ok on the whole but still feeling nauseous (why does in come in a wave when you yawn?) and have a headache (I get migraines anyway and this is probably linked). Not experiening any increased anxiety though and this is my 3rd day of the upped dose. I have been on venlafaxine before so knowing that I can tolerate them and that they work for me makes me feel a lot better about them.
Petram - to answer your questions:
Yes, I take the peach tablets (37.5mg), 1 in the morning and 1 at night. However, I saw my GP this week and asked him for the modified release capsules so I will be changing to these from my next prescription. I did this for convenience and also the last time I took them, I remember that taking one in the evening had a habit of either keeping me awake or giving me some very strange dreams (and not in a good way).
I'm taking them for anxiety. Before Christmas, the GP prescribed sertraline. I took it for a week and had the most horrendous experience where my anxiety went through the roof and was worse than it had ever been. I ended up seeing an emergency doctor at the weekend thinking I was having some kind of serious reaction. I can honestly say that I have never felt that bad before - it was just awful. I think it was just that they weren't for me and I wasn't prepared to stick it out when I knew there was an alternative that worked for me.
Hope you are all ok. Keep posting so we can give each other some moral support. I'm hoping that the worst is behind us but there will still be some days which are a bit of a bumpy ride.
P x