Hi RB263,

Yes sometimes I do worry more about going to jail and being a bad person rather than the actual harm to cause. But to me that is a sign that I don't want to actually harm anyone because it shows that really I know I don't want to. I guess that doesn't make much sense. But yes sometimes the worries take different angles. You just need to recognise them as another OCD obsession. The worry that you will just snap one day is something I can definitely relate to and I think a lot of people who suffer from ocd can too. Another one of my worries is that I will do something bad without thinking and it will just happen. I think thats not too possible though because I am hyper aware because of my worries so I doubt that could happen.

No not all my thoughts become obsessive...just some of them! Thats normal too I think for us! Petram is right too, the more you obsess the worse they can get, and the more frequent they tend to get.
