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Thread: Urge to wee all the time !!!! Been a month. Please anyone!

  1. #1

    Urge to wee all the time !!!! Been a month. Please anyone!

    Hi All.

    I've been suffering with Healthy Anxiety for 14yrs now!

    On the whole with medication i can keep it under wraps most of the time, but like us all it has a way of creeping back into my life when im having some prolonging symptoms. I'll try and keep this short and to the point, but would really appreciate peoples views, support and advice on my current problem.

    For a month now i have had the feeling i need to urinate a lot more frequently and i always feel busting like i've been holding it for ages. It also wakes me up in the night for one , which never happens. The degree of it changes from day to day, but it never completley goes. I dont get any pain whilst going to the toilet.

    Went to the dr's and she sent off a urine sample which came back negative, but gave me a course of antibiotics just in case , which didnt improve anything apart from giving me Thrush. Gave it another week or so and things being no different i went back again. Dr got me to do another sample and pop it down to A&E so it would be done quicker and said he would contact me if need be as he didnt want to give me more antibiotics if it wasnt neccessary. Got a message a couple of days later saying he wanted me to pop by the surgery to pick up a prescription as i had a urinary track infection! i of course was relieved and am now on my 3rd day out of 7 antibiotics and not a thing has changed apart from the fact it's probably been worse! Me being me im now convinced its Bladder Cancer or something similar and am getting my knickers in a right twist.

    Is there anyone out there who has suffered with the same thing or similar??? i just need a little support and reassurance! i know Anxiety and stress can course similar symptoms, even my dr mentioned that.

    Would love to hear peoples stories,

    Thanks so much for reading,

    Mandy xxxx

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Urge to wee all the time !!!! Been a month. Please anyone!

    I've heard of a condition called 'irritable bladder', but I personally don't suffer from it. Wonder if anyone else here does ?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: Urge to wee all the time !!!! Been a month. Please anyone!

    I've had frequent weeing for 3 months none stop it's driving me mad, had urine samples, blood tests, ultra sound, cystoscopy and all normal so my doctors putting it down to anxiety as I'm a proper worrier, hope this helps!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: Urge to wee all the time !!!! Been a month. Please anyone!

    I get this constantly, it actually just recently stopped. I used to wake up every 2 hours to pee.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Re: Urge to wee all the time !!!! Been a month. Please anyone!

    hi, i think it might be because you are so anxious about it, see how you feel after you finish your ATB's , i know in my case it's definitely anxiety as i need to pee when i leave the house but at home i'm ok

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Re: Urge to wee all the time !!!! Been a month. Please anyone!

    When my ibs kicks off , i pee constantly always have , do you suffer from ibs .

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: Urge to wee all the time !!!! Been a month. Please anyone!

    Oh god I pee for Britain honestly.

    I've never been diagnosed but always pee during the night and sometimes it's worse than others, interestingly enough though I do have IBS so don't know if it's related.

    I do find that when I have a water infection it's much worse and even after the infection goes the constant peeing continues.

    I definately think this is something that is much worse when you are worrying and because I've had it for years I tend not to worry too much it's something I've sort of accepted and do put down to an irratible bladder, my mum is also the same.

    What I would say to try and reassure you is that if they have done a water sample and said it's an infection it's because bacteria has showed up in the test, which would'nt be the case if it was bladder cancer. my understanding is that bladder cancer is virtually symptomless apart from blood in urine, so try to put that thought aside.

    If you have an infection everything will be inflamed and irritated so it's bound to take a while to calm down even though you are taking the antibiotics.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Re: Urge to wee all the time !!!! Been a month. Please anyone!

    It is a well-known symptom of anxiety! Just a quick scan of old thread titles will prove this. I am having the same problem right now. It's a pain in the arse but the more you worry about it, the worse it gets. I had it in October too. In the end I stopped concentrating on it and ignored it and it went. I need to do that again now!

  9. #9

    Re: Urge to wee all the time !!!! Been a month. Please anyone!

    Hello Everyone,

    Thanks so much to all that have taken the time to reply!!

    I am now on my 5th day of AB and still no change! I didnt wake up last night, and got up this morning thinking it had gone; i was so relieved; then low and behold its back this arfternoon....ARGGGGGGGGGHHH...

    Thankyou to the person who gave me the bit of info on Bladder Cancer!! has put my mind at rest a bit, but i will go back to Dr's on Tues after i have finished the AB and get the doc to explain what showed up in the water test and where to go from here.

    I think i would cope better if i was just going to the loo more often ( which by the way i do do when i have my IBS ) it's the constant uncomfortable feeling of wanting to go all the time that gets me down and makes it very hard to try and ignore it.

    Does everyone have this umcomfortable feeling to? or do you just want to go more often?

    I will keep you posted how i get on, but would still appreciate your constant support.

    Thanks so much again,

    Mandy xxxx

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