I have been on 15mg for 3 weeks now and am glad to say that the side effects did wear off after about 2 weeks. I still get a little light-headed now and then but not as often. The side effects I experienced were feeling groggy, dizzy, which was worse in the morning time and I had great difficulty getting out of bed for about 10 days. I also had extreme food cravings but managed to control this mostly and only gained about 4 pounds overall and now the cravings are completely gone, hooray! To anyone else who suffers from cravings I would say pig out on healthy carbs like vegetables, try for the most to keep the sweet stuff locked away, go to bed early (seriously, this helps a lot) and don't lose faith!!

I still have crazy dreams but they can be quite interesting, and not what I would call nightmares.

Having previously had bad experiences with both citalopram and prozac I am very pleased now I have found something that seems to agree with me. I suffer with anxiety and mirtazapine is the first medication that actually seems to treat the anxiety, rather than depression, which in itself it only a symptom of my anxiety.

I hope this is a help to anybody; I read so many forums when deciding what medication to try and it really did help me!