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Thread: Can anyone help me?

  1. #1

    Can anyone help me?

    I've had 2 weeks off work due to depression which was caused by my job, I am unable to do anything. I'm on 20mg Citalopram and I'm so tired all the time, the simplest of household chores leave me exhausted. I'm having problems going out, I've had a couple of panic attacks and feel very tearful and more depressed when I'm out. I've also been feeling nauseous, and getting back and leg pains, pains in my chest and pins and needles in my arms and hands.
    Went to see the doctor today and he mentioned about me going back to work, I told him I couldn't even perform simple tasks let alone work. His only suggestion was for me to increase my 20mg Citalopram to 40mg and go back and see him next week. He said, If I leave my job I won't be entitled to benefits, but I'm really not well enough to work. The doctor thinks by doubling my dose of tablets I will be O.K, but he's not understanding, It was the job that made me ill in the first place.
    I'm worried that if I go back to work I'm just going to end up killing myself.
    My husband has left me and we are now going through divorce because he just couldn't cope. Don't know what I'm going to do.
    Any help is appreciated thanks,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Re: Can anyone help me?

    hi jackie, so sorry you are having such a bad time.

    first off all see a different gp, that one sounds horrendous, you should be taking your time increasing citalopram, as it can give side effects the first couple of weeks, and you would be entitled to sick pay. or esa.

    the only thing you need to concentrate on now is getting better, buy you need to see a gp that will help you, please make another appointment with another gp, it makes me so mad to read about doctors like this.

    hope you feel better soon xx

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Re: Can anyone help me?

    Hi Jackpot

    Firstly i can deffo sympathize with all the side effects of citalopram ,ive been on them 2 weeks , but i have been assured by all on here and docs that they will pass and i will feel better . TELL your doctor you are not able to work and that you need time for the meds to kick in at least , theres no need to leave your job as you are unwell you are entitled to sick pay , thats what you pay tax and nat insurance for after all surely . I honestly know what your going through so your not alone , just take it easy and bugger work and doctors


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: Can anyone help me?

    Hi Jackie so sorry your going through a rough time but i agree with pinkdove go and see another doctor this is what i did when i felt i wasn't getting anywhere with mine and im so glad i did as he got me an appointment with a physchatrist in just over a week to sort my meds out, cit has really horrible side effects and jumping from 20 to 40 will more than likely make you feel really shitty again, they can also take a while to kick in sometimes as long as 12 weeks so go and see another doctor and explain your situation and get the proper help you need and deserve xx
    You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it x x x x x x x x

  5. #5

    Re: Can anyone help me?

    Thank you all for your help, will see another doctor.

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