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Thread: question for people who take/know about propranolol

  1. #1

    question for people who take/know about propranolol

    I am prescribed propranolol for social anxiety I can take up to 40mg a day. I work 3 days a week consecutive days, so I take 40mg when I'm working and the other days I only take 10mg as I don't really go out on my days off.

    Do i need to be taking the 10mg on my days off? Is there any side effects for only taking it 3 days a week?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: question for people who take/know about propranolol

    I take 30mg a day (10mg, morning, afternoon, evening) i use it because i have a fast heart rate and get palpitations.
    Its properly best to do what your GP as advised, but on some days i done take all mine and i dont get any side effects for missing a dose, also my GP is quite happy for me to stick at 30mg or has also said that i can take as and when needed also if i have a bad day i can take upto 60mg if i feel i need it.
    So if you feel like you dont need it then i dont think it will do no harm in not taking it, but like i said prob best to stick what you have been told for now

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: question for people who take/know about propranolol

    Propranolol can be taken PRN - as and when you need it. I don't take it at all unless I get really bad physical symptoms of anxiety ie palpitations. I think you should be fine on the dose you're taking but it would be best to consult with your GP about this.

  4. #4

    Re: question for people who take/know about propranolol

    OK thanks for the replys.

    Propranolol really helps with my blushng. When talking in groups or to attractive women lol, I used to get so red & hot I could feel a vein pumping in my head sometimes but now I never get like that. Sometimes I still feel like im blushing but it doesn't feel as intense as before.

    How long can you stay on propranolol? Would a GP have any reason to stop giving you it? Because If I didn't have propranolol I woudn't be able to face going to work.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Re: question for people who take/know about propranolol

    I was initially prescribed it for ectopic beats and anixety. I took 60mgm a day for several years but now take 40mgm. ( 20mgm twice a day). I have had them prescribed for many years and the Dr seems happy enough. I don't really vary the dose, but if I take less one day I don't think it will make a lot of difference. If you are fairly new on them I would take them as directed for now (can't do any harm) and ask the Doc next time you see him. G'luck.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Re: question for people who take/know about propranolol

    Hi there

    Propranolol can be taken long term as many people are prescribed it for high blood pressure. It's also prescribed to cut down on migraine attacks, which is why I take it. I've taken it since about 1999 and I'm fine with it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: question for people who take/know about propranolol

    I am taking 40mg tablets up to 3x per day as and when required. As mentioned before i have days where i dont take any and others where i take all three. Take as prescribed and see how you get on if you feel you could use a lower/higher dose then have a talk with your GP

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