Hi Guys,

I know I am a little late to this email thread but I have been searching the internet for information about allergic reactions to hair dye. I have never had an allergic reaction to dying my hair and I have been getting it highlighted for years but recently I have become very anxious about all sorts of things. I used to get my eyebrows dyed and had very little problem (other than a little itchy immediately after) but I have now convinced myself that I am allergic to it. I have still managed to get my hair highlighted but all of a sudden I have become terrified and have convinced myself I am going to have a severe reaction to it. I have booked an appointment at the hairdressers for 2 weeks time and I plan to go in tomorrow to get a patch test, but I am still terrified, even if the patch test is fine I am convinced I will still get a reaction. The worst bit is I know that even if I don't get a reaction I will convince myself that I have got an itchy head or something. For the last two weeks I have been worrying about this and I end up itching my head just thinking about it. I don't know what to do, I'm not sure dying my hair is worth it, but also I am annoyed with myself because my anxiety is now getting in the way of me being happy, I take pride in my appearance and at the moment I can't bare to look in the mirror. It is so nice to hear that other people have experienced the same thing.

x x x