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Thread: Getting really anxious about going to London

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Unhappy Getting really anxious about going to London

    My family bought tickets for my 40th birthday (tmrw) for phantom of the opera matinee on thursday in London (me, mum,dad & sister) - im trying not to panic about going (i used to work on london) but im now panicking

    Set off i think by speaking to to my mother a little while ago & she was asking me do I want to eat in London, *before or after the show - we could have something at paddington we could have a burger somewhere blah blah blah - as she puts it she knows I have eating out issues & butterflies about going out !!!! *

    If I told her no its not butterflies it's social anxiety & I've just started taking citalopram - she would say its just butterflies everyone gets that (she has said it before) you don't need to be on antibiotics!!

    I was trying to focus on getting on a train to London & to the theatre as am hoping that when in the theatre I will be preoccupied watching the performance but now on top of that, that they are going to want to go out & eat, which most of the time brings on a panic attack

    Now I feel really tense, lightheaded, jittery & my stomach is churning & I'm chain smoking since the call !!

    Any advice to get me thru this and Thursday*
    Last edited by Smiffy3594; 28-05-12 at 22:03.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Re: Getting really anxious about going to London

    I'm the same now with London, its a sprawling overpopulated, over crowded, tourist infested place. Shame because I used to love London and still do love the buildings, the history etc but its not London anymore.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Re: Getting really anxious about going to London

    your love london cherr up
    god bless
    Nil Desperandum

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Re: Getting really anxious about going to London


  5. #5

    Re: Getting really anxious about going to London

    I'm sorry to hear that you are feeling anxious about going to London, especially eating in public.

    I think one of the good things that I have taught myself over the last few months is to take it one step at a time. I know easier said that done right?! But I find that if I just focus on one thing it seems to help ease my anxiety.

    So tomorrow when you are getting ready just focus on that. You're getting ready, not for any particular reason but because it's part of your day-to-day life, and then move on to the next stage of what you'll be doing that day.

    If you're not feeling comfortable to eat in public, maybe take a sandwich or something in your bag so that when you do feel hungry you can nip off somewhere private and eat it, without thinking everyone is staring at you. I know that when I haven't felt comfortable eating in front of people a few hours later I've suddenly had this overwhelming feeling of hunger and needed something there and then so a snack of some sort really helps me.

    Have a lovely time in London and enjoy yourself Happy Birthday also.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Re: Getting really anxious about going to London

    so how did it go ?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: Getting really anxious about going to London

    bless you I'm sorry this horrible disorder is taking over from the enjoyement of your birthday!
    It is your day so I think you can get away with politely suggesting and getting what you want in terms of where to eat etc
    I really hope it is going well and you're having lots and fun

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: Getting really anxious about going to London

    Well I woke early this morning still very very anxious bout going to London didnt know if i would make it

    my parents came round & made it to London & to the theatre had loads of minor panic attacks all day (not great but now my family know that its not just butterflies they helped me I told them all yesterday) - didn't eat anything since 8am this morning so I wouldnt be rushing to the loo - *didnt smoke since 11am as have read nicotine doesn't help - tried to have a small glass of wine while out but just couldn't drink it

    The show was great I did loose concentration at times when I felt an attack start but I suppose that part of the course isn't it

    Once the show was over all the way home I was fine - we think it was because I was headed back to the safety of home mum suggested maybe I'm a little agoraphobic as well as having social phobia (if I do go anywhere shopping / supermarket it's always local including work)

    I am now home - had something to eat and treated myself to a large glass of wine - I feel completely drained & stunned that I did it (I keep taking deep breaths & thinking did I just do that today it seems surreal & I still feels little like I'm not here if that makes sense) & made it through several mild panic attacks - wont be going into London again anytime soon but I hope today will help me with the courage to go out locally with friends for dinners etc which I havent been able to do because of the eating out thing

    I'm also gonna start on a cbt programme to squish my social phobia & possibly agoraphobia.

    Wish me luck
    Last edited by Smiffy3594; 31-05-12 at 20:23.

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