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Thread: Citalopram was amazing last time, but this time around a nightmare. HELP.

  1. #1

    Citalopram was amazing last time, but this time around a nightmare. HELP.


    I hope someone can help.

    I was first on Citalopram a while back, was on them for 18 months, finished a year ago, I started on 10mg then upping to 20mg a few months into it and tapered off towards the end. It was a mostly positive experience it only took a couple of days of feeling spaced out and that was it in terms of getting used to it.

    I've started taken them again last Thursday night (10mg), (I take them before bed as I find i'm too tired if take them in morning).
    On Friday day, I had a fully fledged panic attack for no reason and thought it's just the meds taking effect (increased anxiety etc). Saturday I was fine, was clear, refreshed, anxiety free. Sunday was fine, tiny bit of nausea in evening which passed quickly. Monday I had to leave work with a stomach upset and nausea, Tuesday I took off sick for the same thing. Wednesday and Thursday were even worse, not getting any relief until the evenings both days and Friday here I am, feeling horrible again, not worse but still bad. Is this normal? Should I persevere or try something else? Has anyone else had a similar experience and can recommend something else? I know it's different for everyone but so advise would be appreciated. I can't afford to have more time off sick!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: Citalopram was amazing last time, but this time around a nightmare. HELP.

    Hi i had the same experience with cit on my 2nd time around and unfortunatly ive had to swap to venlafaxine, apparantly its quite common for an AD not to work aswel or not at all second time around?? i would give it another week and see how you feel, good luck xx
    You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it x x x x x x x x

  3. #3

    Re: Citalopram was amazing last time, but this time around a nightmare. HELP.

    Thanks for you help xx

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: Citalopram was amazing last time, but this time around a nightmare. HELP.

    Hey Kate, sometimes, a second time around they can take a little longer, or not be as effective, its still very early days so a bit hard to make a real judgement. In the meantime if the physical side effects are too much, your GP may be able to give you something to help, mine has given me propanolol and it seems to have taken the edge off.
    For every day we suffer, there's a day of joy coming our way so tally up your bad days and see how much joy is yet to come.

  5. #5

    Re: Citalopram was amazing last time, but this time around a nightmare. HELP.

    Thanks for the advice, I have an appointment later thank goodness.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: Citalopram was amazing last time, but this time around a nightmare. HELP.

    I had this happen to me with a different AD.
    Great the first time, no side effects at all, but the 2nd time I tried to take it I had to stop due to side effects.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Re: Citalopram was amazing last time, but this time around a nightmare. HELP.

    This is the 3rd time I have been on them and i had different side effects each time and all took different amounts of time to work.... normally between the 2 and 4 week mark though.

    The side effects were much more severe the 2nd and 3rd times i've been on them but they have always worked...

    It's only been just over a week so i think you need to give it a few more weeks for them to be effective again, but Lauz Lea said maybe see if your doc can give you something to help while they are kicking in.

    You'll get there xx

  8. #8

    Re: Citalopram was amazing last time, but this time around a nightmare. HELP.

    Thanks Jem that's very reassuring, the doctor gave me some anti sickness tablets to try for the next 5 days so shall persevere and hopefully will be feeling back to 'normal' soon xx

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Re: Citalopram was amazing last time, but this time around a nightmare. HELP.

    I have almost the exact same experience of Citalopram as Jem21. Three different occasions of usage and they worked great every time.


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