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Thread: Need some success stories of being on these please

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Need some success stories of being on these please

    Right , I'm going to be totally honest. I was precribed these in Feb but been to afraid to take them. But I'm feeling suicidal now and I really dont think lifes worth living. I've had an inner ear disorder since last Oct which has left me with awful symptoms of fuzzy head, blurred vision, floor moving and anxiety. It has been so hard to deal with and having already got HA it has totally ruined my life. I have no motivation or enthusuism for anything . I'm exsisting but not living. I feel sorry for my 3 kids and hubby. They have had to deal with alot with me over the months. Ive had slight depression before this but at least I looked forward to things and enjoyed myself. Now I dont do social things, I get too anxious esp when my symptoms are bad and I dont know now wether my symptoms are linked to the condition or anxiety now.

    Please can you tell me your success stories about going on these. How long it took to make you feel better? Before you went on them did you feel like me and did those feelings go? Are you happy now? I need help before I go too far. Please help me
    Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take
    But by the moments that take our breath away.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: Need some success stories of being on these please

    Hi Angel, I've just started on cit and was petrified to be honest. After severe side effects with other meds I was too scared to try something else but didn't make any significant improvements without them so had to bight the bullet so to speak. I can honestly say, on day 4, I've not had the unpleasant side effects I was expecting. I know its early days, but when AD side effects hit me, its usually from day one, and this has been a piece of cake so far in comparison.

    If you're already feeling at rock bottom, the only way is up and cit may be the helping hand you need.
    For every day we suffer, there's a day of joy coming our way so tally up your bad days and see how much joy is yet to come.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Question Re: Need some success stories of being on these please

    I've had Anxiety and Depression for over 10 years now. I can tolerate the depression mostly but when the anxiety and especially the health anxiety kicks in I am a total mess.

    For someone like me who is fearful of getting ill and ending up dead it's quite strange when I'm in the midst of an episode to feel like I would be better off dead but that's how bad I get.

    Like you I loose all motivation and enjoyment in life and it all seems so pointless. It feels like you will never feel well again and is just a horrid state to be in.

    However, there is a way back from these feelings and for me it starts with Citalopram.

    I have been on them three separate times in the last 10 years. It takes about 3 weeks before I start feeling better. For me they are little miracles when they start to kick in, a bit rough to start with mind but well worth it.

    I wouldn't say they make me a happy grinning idiot unable to feel anxiety, more of just the old balanced idiot I used to be. I can look back and see how unreasonable I could be and can think why did I put myself through that worry.

    I'm about a month in to my latest round of Cit' and I feel so much better, the panics are gone, the gut churning and the fuzzy head making anxiety have lifted and I feel re-set again. It works very well indeed for me with anxiety.

    I still have a lack of motivation and feel a bit depressed, not as bad but still there. I'm hoping it will return and the gloom will lift as it has in the past. I think it is just taking a bit longer this time as this past episode of HA has been quite drawn out and has taken it's toll on me?

    There is definitely light at the end of the tunnel


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Re: Need some success stories of being on these please

    I am on the second year of citalopram. I may come off it in a year or two, when I get out of the rat race. There is only a sort of fatigue side effect. I drink some coffee as needed, does not help the anxiety, but I have to be able to drive home.

    I am not depressed so for me it will be a bit easier to stop. Good luck.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Re: Need some success stories of being on these please

    Thank you very much for your kind replies. I am so undecided about it bu really think I need some help as I just dont know how to get through this on my own xxx
    Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take
    But by the moments that take our breath away.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Re: Need some success stories of being on these please

    I would say it would be well worth a try as long as you have good support at home and are under the care of a good Doctor.

    The suicidal thoughts are a problem and Citalopram does have listed on the side affects of 'suicide attempts' although I believe this is quite uncommon.

    I have felt suicidal in the past but never found Citalopram heightened this feeling. If you do start a course you will need to explain these feelings to your Doctor and work with them closely.

    Please know the first few weeks can be quite rough with increased anxiety as well as other side affects. It's not set in stone you will get any of these problems but worth preparing for it. Support during these first few weeks is a good idea and personally I take as long as needed off work as I cannot work safely when in a state of high anxiety.

    I hope you can move forward with your treatment and start feeling better. With a bit of work it is very possible you can feel good again


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Re: Need some success stories of being on these please

    Hi There
    I dont know what ear disorder you have but i had Labyrinthitus in January (inner ear disorder) this led me down this long and dark path of anxiety/depression to the point you are at.
    I had an mri due to the constant dizzyness to see if it had caused permanant damage i got the results Fro which were clear, the Dr did say recovery 6-12 months so like you i dont have a firm answer all i can say is the dizzyness has finally left me alost 100% of time in last 2 weeks.
    I am on 30mg of cit, been on it 3 months and loads better i still not back to myself but certainly in a much better place than i was.
    Hang in there xx

    ---------- Post added at 16:15 ---------- Previous post was at 16:13 ----------

    ps i was petrified to take them aswell, sat in my cupboard for 2 weeks but very pleased i did in the end x

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Re: Need some success stories of being on these please

    I found Citalopram very good at a time in my life when anxiety was high, and alternated with depression.

    Starting at a dose of 20mg daily I was scared to take them having read peoples accounts on the internet, so took 5 days to plcuk up the courage, and it was the best thing I ever did. They made me feel relaxed within hours, and I never had any nasty side effects. Only itchy skin after a while which was irritating but not serious and reduced libido which is fairly common I believe.

    Citalopram was a life saver for me, because I was going on a downward spiral and it provided the balance I needed at the time. It worked quickly for my anxiety, and I took it for 4 years. It helped smooth out my mood, and I am now trying a different medication really because of the irritating side effects which became more of a problem over time. I would not hesitate to recommend it as a medication that can really help, but the only way to find out is of course to take it, and that first step can be really tough I know. It can though, be the best step towards some kind of recovery in the future. Good luck

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: Need some success stories of being on these please

    Hi AngelHeart so sorry to hear you are having such an awful time - it must be very frightening to feel there is no way out.
    I can only speak from my experience but Cit has been amazing for me.
    My anxiety and depression peaked last October and I pretty much fell off the edge - I stopped being able to work, or to go out and see people. I carried on for 3 months until I decided to take the medicine route. Like others, I have to say the first couple of weeks were hard - day 4/5 were pretty scary, but then bit by bit I started to pull through. It kept getting better all the time, despite the odd blip every now and then when feeling particularly tired or run down. So now 6 months in I would say that I feel like myself again, and Citalopram gives me the peace of mind knowing that I will cope with stressful situations without having a meltdown - it keeps me level and is really good at stopping anxiety. I would say it's less effective with depression, but it does help. I have been having therapy for 5 months aswell - it all helps.

    I wish you the very best of luck and hope you are on the road to recovery soon. You have to have faith that you can and will come through this and you will get your life back again.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Need some success stories of being on these please

    Angel, I'm really sorry to hear how you are feeling. You do need to give these pills a chance though because it sounds like you really need the help right now and they have been prescribed to you for the right reasons, I'm sure.

    I was exactly the same as you, completely terrified of taking them because the thought of taking pills just makes my anxiety worse!
    What I did was went and sat with my Mum while I took my first one and it didn't make me feel any different at all when I took it.
    I was worried some thing bad would happen to me once I took it but of course it didn't.
    Any side effects you may get will be small. I had a really dry mouth, was more tired and felt a little sick but I realised that these side effects were not harm ful.
    Citalopram has really helped me I think xx

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