Hi there,

I am new to this forum and came across this thread. It describes exactly how i am feeling right now. I am convinced i have ms and i am so frustrated because nobody can help me. It started with tingling all over my body and throughout a 6 month time period things have got worse. I not have tingling, itching and burning sensations, my muscles twitch regularly and last nite i had electric shocks that jolted me awake, infact whever i try to sleep my muscle jerk will wake me up. I have random pain around my body, weakness and aches. I also feel dizzy when i walk. I'm really struggling, even my family dont want to be around me anymore cos i just cry constantly. I went to a and e today hoping they'd do a neuology test but i need to be referred. Have a doc appt tues so will ask for referal for an MRI. The thing is, i got a virus 2 yrs ago that stays latent in my body and some studies suggest that it is triggered by a virus so it all makes sense. I am so scared tho. Just can't help but feel so sad. My doctor thinks its anxiety but i am not convinced it would cause all this? and axiety about what?! My only anxiety is because of my symptoms. I am so afraid right now and want to fall into one big sleep and never wake up

I am sorry to be depressing. I am hoping someone can help me....