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Thread: Now II know the world is gone crazy

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2021

    Now II know the world is gone crazy

    I did not watch tv nrws for one week already. I am amazed how easy it is to do.
    So I dont know if this is true or some kid telling a whopper but my sister told me that in England the government will give you C$900 if you test positive and stay at home

    If that happened in Quebec, everyone under 25 would try their damn best to catch the virus. I even think it would cure my agoraphobia. If I heard about a friend who tested positive I would go straight to her home

    I also don't understand why a government need to pay a bribe to people to behave with consideration for others. Are British people really so selfish???

    Unfortunately I don't think the same could happen here

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Now II know the world is gone crazy

    Quote Originally Posted by wobblehead View Post
    give you C$900 if you test positive and stay at home
    The way I understand it is that this has been in place since last September and it's £500 for those who are on low incomes but I believe they're considering making this available to everybody regardless of income?

    I also don't understand why a government need to pay a bribe to people to behave with consideration for others.
    Same reason they are fining people for breaking the rules - incentive not to do it. The government also recognise that some people are not financially able to self-isolate for 2 weeks.

    Are British people really so selfish???
    Some British people are selfish, yes - same as any other country has its @rseholes - your own included. (country, not @rsehole)
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2021

    Re: Now II know the world is gone crazy

    We dont need incentives to isolate here. Its too cold to go outside lessen you're a grizzly or a moose :lol:

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Now II know the world is gone crazy

    Quote Originally Posted by wobblehead View Post
    We dont need incentives to isolate here. Its too cold to go outside lessen you're a grizzly or a moose :lol:
    It's been a bit like that here the past few weeks, and I don't go out in the snow and ice due to the risk of breaking a bone if I hit the deck. Last time I ventured out into snow and ice was about 5 years ago and I was hanging onto a lamppost until Hubs came to rescue me.
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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Now II know the world is gone crazy

    Quote Originally Posted by NoraB View Post
    It's been a bit like that here the past few weeks, and I don't go out in the snow and ice due to the risk of breaking a bone if I hit the deck. Last time I ventured out into snow and ice was about 5 years ago and I was hanging onto a lamppost until Hubs came to rescue me.
    Get ice grippers on your shoes. The best ones look like springs coiled around the rubber. Much better than the studs.

    You can run on ice easily then!

    My mum told my uncle about them some years ago. He had to walk up a horrible bank to his office and was always struggling. He got these on his shows and never had a problem again. And one year it was so bad the local news were using the bank to interview people about how bad the ice was. Interviews saying how much they struggled and on one in the background was my uncle merrily striding away
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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Now II know the world is gone crazy

    Quote Originally Posted by MyNameIsTerry View Post
    Get ice grippers on your shoes. The best ones look like springs coiled around the rubber. Much better than the studs.

    You can run on ice easily then!
    Run? Last time I ran was in 1983 during the 100 meter sprint on sports day at school, which by the way I won.

    I've got two pairs of those grippers, and they do work. Problem is, I naturally brace against the snow and ice - even with them on - and then my muscles go into spasm for the next few days.

    Hubs wanted me to put them on yesterday and go walking with him down to Tesco but I've literally just spent three days with a pulled muscle in my back, so I politefully declined.
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